Responsibility after annulment

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I am pursuing a decree of nulity and was wondering whether the responsibility I have toward the mother of my children is somehow different if and as that decree is issued? Currently, I send pictures, presents for birthdays and holidays, etc.
Not particularly stressful - the children and I haven’t seen her in some time. Just wondering how the relationship/responsibilities change if the tribunal issues decree of nullity.
Considering that the Church speaks of polygamists:

ccc 2387 The Christian who has previously lived in polygamy has a grave duty in justice to honor the obligations contracted in regard to his former wives and his children.

I’d say that there remains an obligation to at least treat her with the respect due the mother of your children.
I think her being the mother of your child should keep you in a civil and respectful relationship with her. I don’t think nullifying the marriage will ever change that. Pray for her with your child and display nothing but friendly affection for her, especially in front of your child.
I don’t know how old your children are, or if they are old enough to send their own photos and cards, but eventually they will be able to on their own, or at least with your prompting.

However, I remember your story, and I don’t think you need to keep this up forever if she never responds or acknowledges your children in any way. I would not send gifts. Your only responsibility for connection to her is through your children.
One preteen, others under age 10. It’s been about five years since we’ve heard from her.
I just read your story in another thread. I’m so glad you’ve made your children safe. You obviously care deeply for their mother, and I’m sure you speak to them respectfully of her. After your marriage is nullified, I’m sure God will help you know if you should marry again. Prayers with your children and personal prayers will help guide you. God Bless!!
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