Walt Disney, Circuit City, Scolari’s Food & Drug, Black-jack Pizza, Basics Office Products, Lowe Enterprises, George Weston (President’s Choice products, Loblaws supermarkets, etc.), Kees (manufacturing), Pfizer, Whole Foods Market, Kara-Line, JPMorgan Chase (including Chase Bank, & Bank One), Johnson & Johnson, Bank of America, Golub (Price Chopper & Mini Chopper stores), Lost Arrow (Patagonia), Nieman Marcus, Patagonia, Unilever, Wells Fargo, Time Warner (HBO, Cinemax, AOL, etc.), and Wachovia
That is a partial list put out by Life Decisions International. To get a full list, you must pay $21.95!!! Which obviously is a little outrageous. So, no, I do not have a really current list.
I was in a hurry this morning, so now I can more fully comment. I understand the want to not support stores/organizations that support “morally corrupt” agendas. I feel the same way about that, also any companies that test on animals unnecessarily. HOWEVER, after looking over all the lists, it’s almost impossible to avoid these companies completely! The only cable company here is Time Warner. Am I going to sacrifice EWTN and other wonderful programming to make a point? What about Disney? How do you tell your child that you won’t let them see/buy the latest Disney movie???
There was a time when Target, WalMart and KMart were all supporting “questionable” agends. So where can you go to get reasonably priced shampoo and such???
I agree with a previous poster. Even the “best” corporations may be run/staffed by very bad individuals. There’s just no way of knowing.
Personally, I join large boycotts when they come up, but don’t do individual boycotting on a regular basis. I don’t know if you’re a member, but the American Family Association keeps me informed when a major issue comes up, as does the Family Research Council.
Good luck and God bless!!