Yessisan, I sent you a PM, but I’ll give an overview here for others too.
Retrouvaille is not counseling, it is not group therapy.
It is led by couples just like you, who have been through the pain of a bad marriage, and have healed their marriage through Retrouvaille.
It is open to anyone, you do not have to be Catholic, or even a Christian. There is a priest there, but he talks about his own experiences, and is available for the Catholics to go to confession if they need to. There is a mass offered on Sunday morning, but it is not required, it is totally optional. **No one will try to convert anybody at Retrouvaille. ** It is about healing marriages, not making converts.
What it is, is teaching new methods of communication. Sounds useless, right? It’s not. Many of the big problems in marriage stem from a lack of communication. One partner feels like they are never heard or understood, one feels that they can’t articulate what they feel so that their partner can understand them, soon all communication breaks down and the marriage is falling apart. The techniques taught at Retrouvaille can counteract that.
There are a number of couples there, usually between 15-30, and 3 presenting couples and a priest. You do not have to talk about your problems to anyone but your spouse. It is for the two of you, no one else. It consists of one weekend full of presentations, then 6 weeks of follow-up sessions which are only a couple hours long. Monthly meetings are available after that.
Marriage counseling has only about a 20-30% success rate, Retrouvaille’s success rate of saved marriages is 80%. It is the best shot most couples have. No one is turned away for inability to pay either, they will work with you on that.
How do I know it works? It literally saved our family. We had been divorced when we went to our weekend, a year later, we remarried, this time IN the Church. God used Retrouvaille to heal our family, and I know it has worked for thousands of other couples too. For anyone in a hurting marriage, you have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain by checking it out.