Hi, I have attended Catholic school for close to 13 years. Never practice much out of school once off to College lost touch with the Catholic Faith. After involvement in the mental health field seeing and being part of the power prayer can have brought me back. I want to become more involved with the Church and curious on what the next steps are. Any advice is appreciated.
Well without knowing a lot about where you are at currently…it is kind of hard to give a great deal of advice. So please forgive us if we are a bit off the mark on some things.
If you have been away from the practice of the faith - you need so go to confession before receiving communion. If you are daunted by this prospect, don’t worry - many of us have been there (I returned after 35 years). Just go in and tell Father what you have told us. Confess any sins that you can think of and move forward from there. Your confessor will guide you.
Learn the mass. This might seem odd but many people simply do not know enough about the mass. It is why they get “bored”…or “don’t get anything out of it”.
As someone else mentioned, reading the Catechism is a great way to get a good grounding in the faith.
Given what has drawn you back to faith, prayer and healing and “mental health”, I second Vouthon’s suggestion that you look into the mystics of the Church. If his list is too daunting…I suggest that you take a look at the book in my signature (I make nothing off of it). When I started looking into the mystical tradition, I found myself quickly overwhelmed and found this book to be a tremendous help in “distilling” the matters in an easy to read way.
Developing a good prayer life is essential. There are many ways that this can be done and many good devotions available so take your time and see what works best for you.
Finally - Not sure how you are connected with mental health, but there are many in the Church who can benefit from mental health professionals who understand and can apply spiritual principles to the treatment of many disorders.
In addition there is a vocation called “spiritual direction” that might dovetail nicely with your mental health experience.
The Church is so rich and full…a Mansion of many rooms and each room containing a banquet table of nourishing foods. None of us can embrace it all, but each can be filled.
Hope this helps a little…and Welcome to CAF…A great place to interact and learn.