Many Protestants believe in so-called Primitive Church Theory. Recently I’ve received some rather novel replies.
- When Confronted with fact that the earliest writers of the Apolostolic period (Ignatius, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, Ireaneas, The Didache, Clement) were believers in Apostolic Succession, Real Presence of the Eucharist, etc their reply is these writers were probably good teachers, but the writings are not inspired.
- One Protestant I know when confronting with these facts, makes the argument that the Catholic Church was only church until the Reformation and had to role to play in Defining the Trinity (for them)and canonizing and preserving the Bible, but it wasn’t until the last century that we’ve only really begun to study the Bible in depth. This argument is usually given when confronted witht he fact the the Rapture is unknown idea until the 1830s - they’ll say "well…nobody ‘really’ studied prophecy until 20th century.
- Contraception - A reply I get is well nobody understood biology until the 19th Century (as to how conception occurs) therefore when church writers such St. John Chrystoam [sic] , even Luther and Calvin condemn contraception their opinions it is argued were in error because the didn’t understand biology as we do now.