A blessed Advent to you!
I am sorry, but I find I cannot vote on this poll. The options available are nothing like my answers. First of all, purgatory is more a state of being purified in the fiery love of God, so that all that is imperfect, that keeps one from loving Him utterly and completely, even in the tiniest of ways, is burned away; so that I may gaze upon His Inconcievably Beautiful Face, knowing Him as utterly and completely as I am able (the Beatific Vision/ Heaven), He is who is all perfect and sinless. This is the Grace won for me by Jesus on the Cross, and by his Resurrection. So to me, it is not a just a place, but rather, a process, like when Jesus talks about “paying to the last penny,” or when St. Paul talks about “all that is not of Him is burned up,” at our Judgement.
Also, while I have a good idea of my sins, my offences against God, I don’t know when or how God will allow me to die (although He works all things to the good of those who love Him). I imagine that , if I commit no mortal sins, or confess them, and He takes me, that I will "be purged. For example, I smoke cigarettes. I have repeatedly prayed for the grace to quit/ be healed of my addiction/desire to smoke, but it hasn’t happened yet. I’m still addicted. I’ve tried to quit 3 times, but have failed. ( I haven’t given up yet, though). God doesn’t want me to do anything that will ruin the health He’s given me. That’s not His will for me, nor is it for me to have an addiction. So in a sense, my “love” of cigarette smoking hinders my relationship with Him, my ability to “see Him.” I don’t want it either! I want to belong to Him completely, but I am too weak! So in His Mercy, he purges me of it.
Or, he could have me die a lingering, suffering death of cancer which purifies me before I die, in which case I might go straight to Heaven.
Whatever God chooses for me, He does in His Great Mercy, as a Loving Father, with the intention that this prodigal daughter live forever in His Mansion.
Thank you for reading this.
Love, Angelina :angel1: