Rhetorical divide

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Politicians have painted this country into a rhetorical divide. We are correct and they are incorrect.
Only God is perfect.
So that means that neither side of the rhetorical divide is completely right or completely wrong.
Nothing gets done in Washington because of the demonization of “those who don’t think like us.”
Life is not all black and white. It is mostly colors shaded in between.
Until more people understand this, life will just be more of the same, loud and angry voices.
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We have the privilege and the duty as citizens of constitutional republics to define good governance. Since we have no (earthly) king, we are our own (earthly) king, and so it is up to us to decide what it takes for our laws to be right and just.

I am a classical liberal. I believe in the inalienable and inviolable human right to religious liberty, and as I read the Catechism, so does Catholicism.
I am a Catholic. My Christianity comes before any political label.
It’s more than just rhetoric.
One side is very okay with killing certain members of society.
Not inconveniencing, killing.
There you go, speaking ill of those who do not believe as you do.
Like you, I am against abortion.
They are wrong on this issue.
But they are not wrong on all issues.
I am a middle of the road, independent.
But both the left and the right despise one another.
That is not the way to come to any kind of agreement.
All this perpetuates is divide.
Historically, our country has been one of compromise.
The great Civic War came about because the South refused to go along with the majority of states in this country on the issue of slavery.
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