Riding rollercoasters

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hi. im on cgr forums also, but there are not very much catholics on that site, and ive started out a subject, (or more like a debate. lol) about riding rollercoasters. now, see, i was wondering if riding rollercoasters was a sin, cause its kinda putting your life in danger. people on cgr have been accusing me of living a secluded life and stuff. is somebody to enlightenen me on this without accusing me?
God Bless
hi. im on cgr forums also, but there are not very much catholics on that site, and ive started out a subject, (or more like a debate. lol) about riding rollercoasters. now, see, i was wondering if riding rollercoasters was a sin, cause its kinda putting your life in danger. people on cgr have been accusing me of living a secluded life and stuff. is somebody to enlightenen me on this without accusing me?
God Bless
Well in my opinion it can be no more sinful than riding in a car or flying in an airplane, so I would not say that you are commiting a sin by riding a rollercoaster. I personally don’t go on rollercoaster rides cause I am scared to. I guess because I am a big chicken hahah!!!

But if you feel it is not something that you would feel good doing then dont go on roller coaster rides. I mean you dont have to you if you do not want to.

however I cant see where it would be a sin, but we all have our own views on things.

God Bless, Kerri
it’s not sinful if you ride it for fun, suppose you have no heart problems I think.

however if you willingly ride a rollercoaster about to breakdown to show how brave you are. well that’s sinful.😃
I can’t imagine that riding rollercoasters is dangerous, unless you have some sort of medical condition. How many people die from rollercoasters every year compared to the number of riders? I doubt that many, if any people die.
Riding a roller coaster give the appearance of danger, of uncontrolled speed. The actual danger is minimal at best.

If you are worried that there is sin putting one’s life in danger, don’t drive. The car trip to\from an amusment park is more dangerous than the rides themselves.
it’s not sinful if you ride it for fun, suppose you have no heart problems I think.

however if you willingly ride a rollercoaster about to breakdown to show how brave you are. well that’s sinful.😃
ya, but what happens when you dont know its about to break down?:eek:
If you don’t know it’s about to break down than you couldn’t be sinning either. You have to have full knowledge, one of the requirements for sin I believe.

And for the record I don’t think riding roller coasters is a sin at all. Have fun…!
hi. im on cgr forums also, but there are not very much catholics on that site, and ive started out a subject, (or more like a debate. lol) about riding rollercoasters. now, see, i was wondering if riding rollercoasters was a sin, cause its kinda putting your life in danger. people on cgr have been accusing me of living a secluded life and stuff. is somebody to enlightenen me on this without accusing me?
God Bless
All you need to do is compare the number of people killed each year by roller coasters vs. the number of people killed by automobiles. If you don’t think its a sin to drive or ride in a car, given the real danger in doing so, then it can’t be a sin to ride a roller coaster.
Roller coasters are good old fashioned fun (although the roller coasters bask in the eraly part of the century were actually pretty deadly sometimes, so maybe “old fashioned” isn’t the best word!). It’s not putting your life in danger nowadays as many have pointed out.

I’m trying to think of something people do for fun that actually is considered deadly. I first thought skydivng, but people probably don’t die often doing that. Any thoughts?
I love rollercoasters, but dont put me on the tiltiwhirl, that ride spells major motion sickness for me.:o
There are a ton of things out there that CAN happen to you. If you worried about all of it, you’d never leave your house. Also, there are people out there who’s sole job is to make sure rollercoasters are safe. If the danger was that real, amusement parks would have closed a LONG time ago due to lawsuits. The parks are still there.
I love rollercoasters. When I am at a theme park, that’s all I do. No shows. None of that Imax nonsense. Just pure, unadulterated exhilaration for me, please. Oh, and free falls are cool, too.

There’s nothing morally wrong with riding rollercoasters anymore than there is anything morally wrong with going on a recreational hike – both pose a minimal risk. Coasters are safe. Now, if you’re pregnant or have had 4 heart attacks, then there’s something wrong with riding a coaster, because then you could conceivably be endangering your own or another’s life.
Last time I rode a roller coaster was the morning after we concieved our only daughter so far! My hubby was saying just the other day that we needed a trip to an amusement park to even the ratio in this a little more because obviously it’s the spining upside down that does the trick!😉 :o 😛

Honestly I can’t see how rollercoasters could be seen as any more suicidal (which is what would make life-endangerment activity a sin) than driving a car or flying plane or worse yet - riding a bike in the street! :eek:
Oh!!! oh!!! listen to this!!! i found this in my catechism book!!!

“He that loveth danger shall perish in it.” Ecclesiasticus 3:27

what is the meaning of this?
Oh!!! oh!!! listen to this!!! i found this in my catechism book!!!

“He that loveth danger shall perish in it.” Ecclesiasticus 3:27

what is the meaning of this?
Rollercoasters are “thrill” rides. They are not supposed to be “dangerous”. These things are inspected, just llike your car; probably more thoroughly than your car.

If you were able to ride one and not use the safety bar (intentionally) that would be dangerous, and probably constitute a sin.
I don’t think roller coasters are sinful, of course anything to excess would be sinful.

I hate roller coasters (and free fall rides like the ‘tower or terror’) and I think folks who love them (such as my 2 sons) need to have their heads examined.

I love the spinning teacups. I used to make them spin as fast as they could possibly go until, I overdid it once and made myself and my son pretty ill. I still like make them go pretty fast, but have toned it down since 🙂

I used to be scared to ride rollercoasters. but now i like getting on them yeah they are dangerous and scary but sometimes they are fun to ride. Son’t know just me. but I will not get on the ones that go upside down. cuz one time i got on one of them with my cousin I nearly pissed in my pants forrea,s. It was scary so i yelled at the guy that was running it to stop the ride cuz I was scared and wqas feeling dizzy.
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