Seems most Catholic and Christian apologists and authors I know are either single or have a spouse with whom they share thier deep belief and commintment to the Faith. We look to these people often for answers. However the answers can sometimes seem way too simple in that they often assume there are no ramifications to the suggestion or answer. We are called to be good spouses. Divorce is obviously out of the question for a faithful Catholic (for the most part). What of the people who find themselves in a situation where one is significantly more orthodox then the other? Possibly even critisized for it. Then many issues become very difficult. Such as: birth control, Sunday obligation, television shows to watch, books to read, manner in bringing up children, clothes children wear, prayer or lack thereof, fasting, making time for confession or other Catholic activities…so many other issues Often, if one does the right thing from a Catholic perspective he/she can potentially create havoc at home. It can feed into issues that could cause serious harm to the marriage which is in itself sinful. How is this balanced?
Any books or references on this?
Any books or references on this?