Roles of the different persons of the Trinity

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What are the differences between the persons of the Trinity? How can they be distinct without somehow limiting the other?
They don’t limit each other, while they remain distinct.

No Person of the Trinity does anything apart from the other two, because God cannot be separated. He is absolutely simple; he has no parts.

When we say the Father creates, the Spirit sanctifies, this is called appropriation, and flows from how the Persons beget, is generated, and is spirated within the Godhead. But in actuality, a divine Act, such as Creation, is the work of the Trinity as a whole.

The only “difference” between the Persons (and I hesistate to use that word), is that the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Spirit, and Holy Spirit is not the Father. But they are not three Gods, but one God. Not three Lords, but one Lord. Not three Almighties but one Almighty.
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What are the differences between the persons of the Trinity? How can they be distinct without somehow limiting the other?
One will and mind. See Modern Catholic Dictionary:

The mutual immanence of the three distinct persons of the Holy Trinity. The Father is entirely in the Son, likewise in the Holy Spirit; and so is the Son in the Father and the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit in the Father and the Son. Circuminsession also identifies the mutual immanence of the two distinct natures in the one Person of Jesus Christ.
The penetration and indwelling of the three divine persons reciprocally in one another. In the Greek conception of the Trinity there is an emphasis on the mutual penetration of the three persons, thus bringing out the unity of the divine essence. In the Latin idea called circumincession the stress is more on the internal processions of the three divine persons. In both traditions, however, the fundamental basis of the Trinitarian perichoresis is the one essence of the three persons in God.

The term is also applied to the close union of the two natures in Christ. Although the power that unites the two natures proceeds exclusively from Christ’s divinity, the result is a most intimate coalescence. The Godhead, which itself is impenetrable, penetrates the humanity, which is thereby deified without ceasing to be perfectly human.
Main “difference” is the “relationships”. Father-Son (filiation), and Spirit (spiration, overflowing love outside of the relationship).
Ok can someone recommend a good book/essay/writing/video or something that completely explains all of this? With all the Trinitarian philosophy/vocab etc
Ok can someone recommend a good book/essay/writing/video or something that completely explains all of this? With all the Trinitarian philosophy/vocab etc
The CCC actually has a good start on all these points. paragraphs 198-278

And go here.

Free book…you’ll want to start on page 145.

Well written. Some of it is a little slow going, at least for me, most is quite easy to get the first time round. I had to go over some parts on the Holy Spirit twice.

Dogmatic Theology:
D: God One and Triune
Contents … 145
The Unity of God
22. Knowledge of the Existence of God… 149
23. The Divine Nature… 159
The Blessed Trinity
24. The Mystery of the Blessed Trinity … 171
25. The Three Divine Persons: Processions and Relations… 178
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There are detailed, theological teachings given.
I needed a simpler context.
All one God
Three person-alities. The Father thinks of Creation.
Jesus. The Son, is the WORD
The Holy Spirit comes from
the Father and Jesus. He is
the POWER that creates.

It’s like I am one person. I am a daughter to my parents. I am a wife to my spouse. I am a Mother to my children. My behavior is different in those different roles.

I don’t think this is not scriptural. John stated Jesus is the WORD. Pray this way—Our Father which art in heaven… Jesus said, ” I must go, so the Spirit will follow…”
In Christ’s love
We need to remember that our pea-sized brains can’t fit God into them.
it’s marvelous and needed for us to exhaust our intellect, realizing it is futile, we use reason up to some point to come to know God, and after that we use faith, like an extension to our pea-sized ladder.

We rely on gifted thinkers who have worked out to some extent what humans can know about God.

The “modality” idea of the Trinity, was found to be heretical, however.
Where was TRINITY considered heretical? How was it resolved.
In Christ’s love
The Trinity wasn’t considered heretical, but the One God, “but three modalities” [understanding/metaphor] of the Trinity was deemed an error/heretical.
Well, what are we calling it. Three persons in one God, I felt was understandable as personalities. It could be semantics. I am a different person to husband, children and parents. It’s a phraseology we use. Now, God s Son, by His Spirit, joined Mary to birth Jesus. The methodology performed by the Holy Spirit. I can see three personages. The three persons have different personalities. It’s connected.
Modalities seems inaccurate?!
Back to Faith. It is what it is.
In Christ’s love
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