There is a real shortage of rosaries for the missions. Only 10% of the requests for rosaries from the missions that Our Lady’s Rosary Makers receives are met! Do not take the attitude that someone else will solve this problem! Decide which kind of rosary you will make, order the supplies for them, learn how to make them, make them, and send them to the missions!
What to do:
What to do:
- Decide which kind you will make. Cord and bead rosaries are the most inexpensive to make (about $0.14 each), but they look a bit cheap, though they are fairly durable and easy and fast to make. Wire and bead rosaries are in the medium price range ($0.25-$0.60 each), but they look a little nicer, though they are harder to make, and may come apart. All cord rosaries generally are the most expensive ($0.39-$2.50 each), but they are very durable, people love to receive them, and they take 20 minutes to an hour to make.
2.Order the supplies for the kind of rosary that you want to make. For cord and bead rosaries, order plastic crucifixes, plastic mission beads, #9 cord and cord tools from Our Lady’s Rosary Makers, or just order this starter kit. For wire and bead rosaries, order pliers, plastic mission beads, mission wire, mission center pieces, and mission chain from Our Lady’s Rosary Makers, or just order this starter kit. For all cord rosaries, order metal crucifixes from Irma Beads or Our Lady’s Rosary Makers, and #36 cord from FNT Industries.
3.When you receive your supplies, practice making rosaries. To learn how to make cord and bead rosaries, go to olrm.org/cord_inst.html. To learn how to make wire and bead rosaries, go to olrm.org/wire_inst.html. To learn how to make all cord rosaries, go to rosaryarmy.com/?page_id=39.
4.Make your rosaries.
5.Send them to the missions. You can find a list of missions here: olrm.org/requests.html.