**First Joyful Mystery
**First Joyful Mystery
- For the intentions of Fitz’s daughter who is in Iraq **
- For the intentions of Shoshana’s spiritual director that doors may open to his called mission within the Church
- For divine healing of Lexee15’s pre-born baby
- For Annunicata’s BIL who is suffering so much
- For the intentions of Toni’s children and grandchildren as the family suffers through divorce. Also, let us pray for Toni that God may grant her strength and courage during this difficult time
- For the intentions of Marion’s alcoholic son
- For the intentions of Margo and her family
- For the intentions of Tish’s 5-week pre-born baby
- For Mosher’s health and divine healing of his liver
- For the intentions of crohnie4life’s health and upcoming surgery and that the issue of the insurance gets settled
- For the intentions of Danya who suffers the loss of her cat
- For the intentions of Little Mary’s friends who have left the Church or turned against it
- For the intentions of a young mom who is dying of a brain tumour and her family
- For the intentions fo Patricia’s health