Rosary "insertions" for Hail Mary

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I’m referring to the tradition of the rosary which inserts appropriate sentences into the Hail Mary, rather than announcing the mysteries separately. I have mostly complete sets in German and Latin, but I lack the English version. I could try to translate it on my own, but I would prefer to use the “traditional” sentences, if there are any. Just to give an example, here’s the version for the Joyous Mysteries translated by me (i.e., I would seek an “official” version for this and for the other mysteries). 1-2-3 refers to the insertions on the three beads of the rosary tail (!), A-B-C-D-E refers to the insertions for the ten beads each of the five mysteries:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus: 1-2-3 / A-B-C-D-E.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

1 - who increases faith in us.
2 - who strengthens our hope.
3 - who kindles our love.
A - whom you, o Virgin, has conceived from the Holy Spirit.
B - whom you, o Virgin, has carried to Elisabeth.
C - whom you, o Virgin, has born.
D - whom you, o Virgin, has presented in the temple.
E - whom you, o Virgin, has found again in the temple.

I include below what I’ve found for Latin - as reference. I have two further questions:

I) What are the appropriate insertions for the tail beads 1-2-3 in the Luminous Mysteries? I have found no information in either Latin, German or English so far…

II) In the Joyous Mysteries in Latin (see below), for tail beads 1-2, is it “nobis” or “in nobis”?

Please be so kind and point out how sure you are about a suggested translation (i.e., source?), as I’m trying to gather the genuine thing… :o

Thanks in advance for your help and God bless,

Mysteria Gaudiosa (in feria secunda et sabbato)
  1. qui adaugeat (in?) nobis fidem.
  2. qui corroboret (in?) nobis spem.
  3. qui perficiat in nobis caritatem.
    A. quem, Virgo, per Spiritum Sanctum concepisti.
    B. quem, Virgo, visitando Elisabeth portasti.
    C. quem, Virgo, genuisti.
    D. quem, Virgo, in templo praesentasti.
    E. quem, Virgo, in templo invenisti.
Mysteria Luminosa (in feria quinta)
  1. ?
  2. ?
  3. ?
    A. qui apud Iordanem baptizatus est.
    B. qui ipsum revelavit apud Canense matrimonium.]
    C. qui Regnum Dei annuntiavit.
    D. qui transfiguratus est.
    E. qui Eucharistiam instituit.
Mysteria Dolorosa (in feria tertia et feria sexta)
  1. qui intellectum nostrum illuminet.
  2. qui voluntatem nostram perficiat.
  3. qui memoriam nostram roboret.
    A. qui pro nobis sanguinem sudavit.
    B. qui pro nobis fiagellatus est.
    C. qui pro nobis spinis coronatus est.
    D. qui pro nobis crucem bajulavit.
    E. qui pro nobis crucifixus est.
Mysteria Gloriosa (in feria quarta et Dominica)
  1. qui dirigat cogitationes.
  2. qui regat verba.
  3. qui gubernet opera.
    A. qui resurrexit a mortuis.
    B. qui in caelum ascendit.
    C. qui Spiritum sanctum misit.
    D. qui te, Virgo, in caelum assumpsit.
    E. qui te, Virgo, in caelis coronavit.

I’m referring to the tradition of the rosary which inserts appropriate sentences into the Hail Mary, rather than announcing the mysteries separately. I have mostly complete sets in German and Latin, but I lack the English version. I could try to translate it on my own, but I would prefer to use the “traditional” sentences, if there are any. Just to give an example, here’s the version for the Joyous Mysteries translated by me (i.e., I would seek an “official” version for this and for the other mysteries). 1-2-3 refers to the insertions on the three beads of the rosary tail (!), A-B-C-D-E refers to the insertions for the ten beads each of the five mysteries:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus: 1-2-3 / A-B-C-D-E.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

1 - who increases faith in us.
2 - who strengthens our hope.
3 - who kindles our love.
A - whom you, o Virgin, has conceived from the Holy Spirit.
Thanks for bringing this up, Ingo.

I doubt that there is an “official” translation, or an “official” version, either.

I believe that this practice in saying the Rosary is relative new in origin and began in Europe.

When I say the Rosary by myself, I often just make them up as I go through the decades.

Your English is almost perfect here except for one word. In the declension of the verb “to have”, the second person is “you have” and the third person is “she has.”

Therefore, your examples should be in this format: "whom you, o Virgin, have conceived from the Holy Spirit.
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