Rosary Meditation

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As a returning home catholic (from Evangelical church), I have started praying the Rosary. However, I find it difficult to pay attention to what I am praying and meditate on the mysteries at the same time. Any suggestions? Thank you.
As a returning home catholic (from Evangelical church), I have started praying the Rosary. However, I find it difficult to pay attention to what I am praying and meditate on the mysteries at the same time. Any suggestions? Thank you.
First of all, welcome home! 🙂 You’ll find lots of good advice in this thread:

I find two approaches most helpful in meditating on the Rosary mysteries. One is to look at pictures of the mysteries while I am praying each one (I ordered a set of pics of the mysteries from a Catholic religious goods catalog). Another good aid to meditation is to use a Scriptural Rosary book (or booklet). These have a scripture verse (related to the mystery) to accompany each “Hail Mary”. You can do a search on “scriptural rosary book” to find some of these.

I hope that helps!

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Carrier of the Angelic Sparkles Sprinkle Bag
As a returning home catholic (from Evangelical church), I have started praying the Rosary. However, I find it difficult to pay attention to what I am praying and meditate on the mysteries at the same time. Any suggestions? Thank you.
First of all, welcome home to the Church! 👍

When you pray the rosary and meditate too, don’t worry about concentrating on both. The words of the Hail Mary are so familiar to us that we need not meditate on their meaning. Nor is it necessary that we be totally conscious of what we are saying as we recite it. It is enough to be doing it as a form of prayer intended to offer praises to God without worrying about thinking about each and every word. It’s rather like playing an instrument and singing at the same time with the Hail Marys like the “murmuring sound of the harp” and meditation on the mysteries as a way of taking the Gospel more fully into our hearts and minds.

The meditations are on the life of Jesus as well as Mary according to the Gospels. So, it might be helpful to you to use a scriptural rosary booklet of which there are different kinds put out by various Catholic publishers. I publish a scriptural rosary booklet with the traditional mysteries as well as the new Luminous Mysteries John Paul II instituted. If you are interested please pm me.
Hi dljl,
  First of all ... welcome home!!!  

  What a wonderful devotion you have in mind for the Rosary!  I've been praying it for some time now, and the blessings and graces that God has bestowed on me throught the intercession of Our Mother Mary have been many.  When I pray the Rosary, I try to imagine that I'm at the foot of the cross, praying to My Jesus, the One who died for me and for all of my sins.  Then, when I pray the mysteries of the Rosary, I see how they fit in to my personal plan of salvation.  I try to meditate on the lesson of virtue within each mystery.  For example:

 - Joyful Mysteries
           - Annunciation - Obedience
           - Visitation - Love for Neighbor
           - Nativity - Love for the Poor
           - Presentation of Jesus - Humility
           - Finding of Jesus - Prayer

 - Sorrowful Mysteries
            - Agony in the Garden - Submission to God's Will
            - Scourging at the Pillar - Loathing of our Sins
            - Crowning of Thorns - Christ, the King of Our Hearts
            - Christ Carries the Cross - Our Daily Crosses
            - Crucifixion - Sacrifice

  - Luminous Mysteries
             - Baptism by John - Renewal of the Holy Spirit
             - Wedding Feast At Cana - God's Transforming Power
             -  Proclamation of the Kingdom - Word of God
             - Transfiguration - Christ the Light
             - Institution of the Eucharist - Christ in the World

   - Glorious Mysteries
             - Resurrection - Overcoming evil
             - Ascention (sp?) - New Life
             - Descent of the Holy Spirit - Ourselves as Temples of
                        the Spirit
             - Assumption of Mary - Peaceful Death
             - Coronation - Glory of the Kingdom of God

   So, when meditating on virtues such as these, I can (most of the time) try to remain focused on prayer to Christ through the intercession of Mary.  What a wonderful thing to do...pray the Life of Christ through Mary, his Immaculate Mother!!

   I hope all of this helps.  Good luck   :)
To Jesus through Mary,
Fred 😃
Some good advice. Some find it helpful to try and relate the mysteries to what’s going on in their life at the time they are praying. These are the things that usually distract us. If we can be praying these things, we will stay alert.Deacon Tony
I got some cheat sheets from I still don’t have it down (I know the order of prayers, but not the mysteries), so I use their guide–they’ve got the mysteries and then a brief discussion. It’s helped me. I tend to pray the rosary at night, and shut the bedroom door so I don’t have distractions. Also, something that helped me was attending a group rosary; our parish has one after every Mass during the week. Something about being with those other people helps me to focus.
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