Rosary - O My Jesus?

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Can anyone answer a Rosary question for me? Although I’m not Catholic (yet!), I recently taught myself the Rosary from instructions I found online. The version I have includes “O My Jesus” after the “Glory be…”. I believe Mother Angelica says it that way too. However, other instructions I’ve seen do not include “O My Jesus…”. I really love the Rosary and want to pray it correctly. Why do some seem to use it and some don’t? Is there a right or wrong way?

Can anyone answer a Rosary question for me? Although I’m not Catholic (yet!), I recently taught myself the Rosary from instructions I found online. The version I have includes “O My Jesus” after the “Glory be…”. I believe Mother Angelica says it that way too. However, other instructions I’ve seen do not include “O My Jesus…”. I really love the Rosary and want to pray it correctly. Why do some seem to use it and some don’t? Is there a right or wrong way?

I always say it…

I don’t know if it would be wrong not to…
The “Oh my Jesus…” prayer is referred to as the Fatima Prayer. Our Lady requested this prayer be added in her appearances at Fatima.

I don’t know the actual history or of the specific request, but I know some people here do.

I remember learning the Rosary as a child and it was said without the Fatima prayer, then all of a sudden Mom told us that we had to add it.

I have never been to a public rosary which did not recite the Fatima prayer, so to say it correctly, I would advise you to say this prayer.

Besides, think about the words…asking for the salvation of souls. There is a HUGE message from Heaven requesting that we pray for the salvations of souls, especially in coming from our Century.

Fatima…Poland (Divine Mercy), and all the current messengers are all referring to the necessity of the 2 devotions.
The “Oh my Jesus…” prayer is referred to as the Fatima Prayer. Our Lady requested this prayer be added in her appearances at Fatima.

I don’t know the actual history or of the specific request, but I know some people here do.

I remember learning the Rosary as a child and it was said without the Fatima prayer, then all of a sudden Mom told us that we had to add it.

I have never been to a public rosary which did not recite the Fatima prayer, so to say it correctly, I would advise you to say this prayer.

Besides, think about the words…asking for the salvation of souls. There is a HUGE message from Heaven requesting that we pray for the salvations of souls, especially in coming from our Century.

Fatima…Poland (Divine Mercy), and all the current messengers are all referring to the necessity of the 2 devotions.
Thanks, JC…I wasn’t sure…I like saying it. 🙂
That’s how I always say it as well, but just last week at a Rosary Wake, the officiating priest was visiting (returning having been the pastor long before I lived here). He said the Rosary without the Fatima Prayer. So, while I like it and say the Rosary with it, it can be said either way.

Hi BeluvdLily,

I just want to add that there really is no “official” way to say the rosary except for the 10 Hail Mary’s separated by Our Father, while meditating on the mysteries of the faith.

It depends on where you are from and what your local tradition is. The rosary has changed over time, and continues to do so in the other incidentals (the mysteries – and now we have 5 new ones! – the beginning and concluding prayers, if any, the O My Jesus prayer, etc). for instance the Dominicans don’t start the Rosary like we are mostly used to in the US, and I’m sure that the start and concluding prayers vary from country to country in Europe.

I think this is good to keep in mind because it points us towards the richness of our Catholic faith, and reminds us that there are a whole bunch of Catholics, not just us here in the United States, or in the Roman Rite.

God Bless,
For instance:
(taken from


You will notice that Dominicans start the Rosary in a different way from the usual. Really, it is the more ancient formula and is based on the idea that the Rosary is the layperson’s breviary. These introductory prayers are the ones with which the Divine Office traditionally commences:In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

V. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.

R. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

V. Lord, open my lips.
R. And my tongue shall announce your praise.

V. Incline to my aid, O God.
R. Lord, make haste to help me.

V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Alleluia! (Or* during Lent*: Praise be to You, O Lord, King of eternal glory!)

After this the decades are begun immediately:One Our Father,

Ten Hail Marys and

One* Glory be to the Father*, for each decade. (The preliminary Apostles’ Creed, Our Father, three* Hail Marys* and Glory be are not said.)
since the rosary is not a public prayer of the Church there are no absolute rules, but there are many guides to assist you, mainly so that when recited in a group everyone will be on the ‘same page’. One of the best guides is by Romano Guardini, from Sophia Institute Press, and the Encyclical on the Rosary given to us by our late pope when he gave us the Luminous Mysteries, both are guides to meditating on the scriptures recalled by the mysteries. You don’t even have to say the Hail Mary’s, you may recite a verse of the appropriate scripture if you prefer. For some reason protestants are always asking me for rosaries and directions on praying, especially when they are facing dangerous illness or other crises, and I always give them a Scriptural Rosary booklet.
You don’t have to say it, but Mary taught it to the 3 children at Fatima, so it obviuosly pleases her if you say it. It really dosen’t matter. It’s about personal preference.
Me I pray it. The “O my Jesus” prayer is a good and beautiful prayer. so why not?

after that I also pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy using the rosary beads too
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