rosary question

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Is it OK to pray the Rosary in one’s mind, without verbally saying the prayer out loud? Can one pray the Rosary without Rosary beads?
sure! I have many times while driving, although i probably cheat on the number of Hail Marys…unintentional of course… :rolleyes:
Most certainly. Love comes from the heart. The Rosary brings us into the school of Mary which is founded on Love for Christ.
Contemplate the Rosary.

Remember the saying!! Did you pray today or did you just say a lot of prayers?😃

Bless your efforts always,

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to space ghost again. 😛
I try and get in at least one a day, sometimes 2 or 3 for different intentions. It helps me to remember to be in constant contact with our Lord. Glad to hear that it is OK to pray it sans beads.
I try and get in at least one a day, sometimes 2 or 3 for different intentions. It helps me to remember to be in constant contact with our Lord. Glad to hear that it is OK to pray it sans beads.
This is great! I am unfortunately not praying it daily. Remember that it is the prayers and meditations that are important, not the beads. What you are doing is fantastic!
I never pray the Rosary aloud and don’t use the beads too often. I usually count on my fingers instead since most of the time I say the Rosary I am either taking a walk and like to have my hands free, or I’m driving and my hands had better be free or I’ll wind up as roadkill on the highway (especially given my location ;)).
I have heard that the Rosary should be said aloud or at least with the lips verbalizing the words. The purpose is that the mind should be concentrating on the meditations/mysterys. I have heard it said that this allows the mind/heart/lips to be all involved.

I heard it was just a recommendation though, not a requirement.
The rosary…Our Lady’s weapon.

Pray it well, pray it often. First from the heart, then the mind, the lips if you can, on beads if you can. But God did give you ten fingers … what a great way to use them!

Pray from the heart. Meditate on the prayer, as your mind wanders… meditate on the mystery…when your mind wanders again…meditate on the intention…then as you mind wanders again meditate again on the prayer…etc. etc.

When using a sacramental…(rosary) you gain additional graces. I use a ring rosary when I’m driving. Sometimes I have the Catholic radio station on and pray along with them. I also have a rosary tape to play while I pray and drive.If the traffic is busy and I pray more slowly, I prefer to pray alone. Sometimes out loud.

If you have an opportunity to pray with others, it’s more benifitial. I read in the Soul Magazine that if you are praying with two other people (three together) then you have the benifit of 3 X 3 or nine rosaries. After mass we sometimes have 15 people praying together. Just think 15 times 15!

So, if you have someone in the car with you…keep an extra ring rosary on hand. I have three in my car. Sometimes my mother and I pray it together, or my daughter or daughter-in-law or one of my grandchildren.

A BIG side benifit to praying in the car when you have passengers…it eliminates gossip! 👍

Our Lady gave us the rosary as a prayer for peace as weapon against the evil one. Spread it if you can. This world needs praryers badly.
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