Rosary Questions and Thoughts

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So I’ve started praying the rosary some time ago. And I’m actually getting decent at letting the decade of Hail Mary’s sort of fade into the background while I think about the mystery. I’ve heard that’s what people try to shoot for, so that’s what I’m doing.

My question is this…sometimes during the decade, I’ll think about things I want to ask for others. I’ve heard that you can say a rosary for someone else, but is there a way to do that? I mean, should I interrupt thinking about the mystery to offer up prayers about other things? Or do you just say, “Okay Lord, this whole rosary is for so and so?” But that wouldn’t make sense because you wouldn’t actually be praying for so and so very specifically would you?

Help would be appreciated. How is it done? Any old way? Any certain way? How else can that rosary be used? I’ve gotten to where I can’t wait to get in there and hold it and recite it at night. And feel free to tell me any rosary stories you want. I love stories. :bounce:
What I learned from the rosary group at my church is everyone (and you could do this if praying the rosary by yourself) starts by saying “I offer this prayer of the rosary for the intentions of…”. There can be many intentions. We do things even like “I offert his rosary for the intentions of all those who asked me to pray for them in the last week”. We say the rosary, then at the end we say a Hail Mary “for the one person in our Church, and in the world, that most needs Christ in their hearts”. We add some other prayers at the end, like the prayer of St. Gertrude, the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, and the Prayer for our Nation.

hope that helps!
Dear friend

I don’t know about how anyone else does it, but this is the way I do it. I offer the first part of the Rosary for the Pope’s Intentions. Then before I pray each decade I spend a few minutes thinking about the Mystery of that decade and offer each decade of the Rosary for an intention or for particular people, then I pray that decade meditating on the mystery of that decade. Sometimes I offer the whole Rosary for one specific intention/person as the Awalt described.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Yes, I remember before reading something about offering up a Rosary prayer for someone else, but I was wondering how. Like I said, requests for other people, or myself, tend to creep in my head during the Hail Mary’s, so I interrupt that and pray for them and then resume. I was wondering if there was a better way to do it or a certain way to do it or no set way at all.

When you pray a rosary specifically for someone do you just tell God and then pray the rosary? How are mysteries and Hail Mary’s praying for someone? Do you not make specific requests in the middle of it when you’re doing it?

Is it clear what I’m asking?
**Offer every rosary—or every decade— for your special intentions: for my mother, for my child, for a good job, for peace, in thanksgiving, as reparation, for my deceased friend, etc. **If you are praying in a small group you may wish to share prayerfully some of these intentions as you begin the rosary or each decade.

Before beginning, ask Mary to help you pray devoutly. If you are distracted during the rosary, just continue—don’t stop or backtrack or repeat. After the rosary, offer it to Mary with your distractions—as a child offering a bouquet to her mother. Even if it is not perfect, it is offered with love.

**If you have time and are so inclined, you can pause between decades for a private prayer, hymn, or appropriate reading from the bible or a spiritual book. **

The rosary is a meditation. Picture the scene in your imagination and try to enter in as one of the people there. See, hear, and feel what is said and done. Thank, admire, congratulate, suffer with, cry with Jesus and Mary. Ask them questions. Think of the virtues and good example they show. Compare the event with your own life.

I don’t think that I’ve fully answered your question, Curious, but I hope it’s helpful! I found this (with more tips on how to pray the rosary more devoutly) at:
I pray at least four Rosaries each day and sometimes more if there is something that comes up where extra serious praying is needed.
I pray for different people or needs on ea. decade sometimes a whole Rosary… I pray for the Holy Father,Priests everywhere,Vocations… Opus Dei…The needs of my husband & immediate family & friends…relatives…Those who are sick…The Poor Souls in Purgatory…Peace & Salvation of the world… Our Troops…World leaders… All on the forum…
My mind does wonder to other people and things at times…when I notice I just bring myself back to the original intenton…
I usually ask Our Lady to simply distribute any graces I might merit from praying the Rosary as she sees fit. I occasionally make a specific request, however, and I say one our father, one hail mary and one glory be for the intentions of the Pope at the end of the Rosary.
I will sometimes offer up other concerns during the Rosary. Sometimes I concentrate on the mysteries during the Hail Mary’s, but then offer up my family members for each Our Father.

Recently I had an issue of great concern, and asked the Blessed Mother to help me on that issue at the start of the Rosary. It was about a difficult letter I was planning to send, and I wanted to be sure it was the right thing to do. So I had the letter right in front of me while I prayed.

Sometimes my mind does wander. But I just refocus back on the mystery or the person I am praying for once I realize I drifted.
I state my intentions before the creed but I’ll add someone if they come to mind after I start the rosary, I also pray for peace and the conversion of Russia and all the souls in purgatory and the conversion of sinners.:love:
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