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Hi can anyone tell me the significants to the scent of rose perfume,is it from God,Mary. The saints talk about it in their writings. I recently was overwhelmed by this mystical scent after praying. My sense of smell is not that good because of sinus problems. There were no candles or incense lit at the time?:confused:
The scent of roses is attributed to Our Blessed Mother. I blelieve you may have been given a gift from Our Lady!

Would you mind sharing your experience?

My 2 small sons and I had this recently happen to us at church on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a few weeks ago. While at church, we were hugging (we like to “group” hug - the 3 of us- during the sign of peace) While in our little hugging huddle, my oldest stopped and said, “I smell roses”.

There it was, right in the middle of the 3 of us - this beautiful and very strong fragrance. I told the boys that Mary had joined in our hug.

I believe it was Mary’s sign to me - us- of her love and presence. I had completed my consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus throught the Immaculate Heart of Mary on this very feast day.
I smelled roses while visiting Medjugorje in 1989. At the time we were walking through town (much of it under construction) and surrounded with people, trash, dirt and it was just rather depressing. I was thinking to myself “why would Mary want to be here” when suddenly I smelled a very strong scent of roses. Later a friend who was on the same pilgrimage said to me she smelled roses at the same location at the same time…she was ahead of me a bit in the walk. Mary was indeed present.
The most recent occurrence of the scent of roses was when I was on vacation at the St. John of God Retreat Centre (Safety Bay-Near the ocean,1 hr drive from my home in PERTH Western Australia).The retreat is run by the Nuns,I had the privilege to stay with them a week.Being the the only civillian and being able to live the life of a religious it is one experience I will never forget “Praise the Lord”.The same weekend we had a group of young women stay for vocation retreat and I was one of the participants the ages ranged from 18-42,the nuns were aged 45+.We were discerning our paths by reflecting on scriptures in the bibles and praying to the Lord to guide us. We went out into the grounds for 30hr and meditated, When I was in the garden I really was overwhelmed by the presence of our Lord and the tears just flowed after entering the conference room the CD player was playing classical music and once again I was overwhelmed, this time by the music and the compunction of tears flowed and flowed others in the room were crying as well.Then suddenly I noticed a strong rose scent and being a smoker(no sense of smell) was overpowered by the joy it brang. I’m not sure if I was the only one to smell it.On the same weekend a young girl who I had never met told one of the sisters that she smelled roses when she was near me in the garden(this happened the day before the vocation retreat started).
I have noticed the scent once before earlier in my conversion which was exactly 12 months ago on the 20thdec2003. Our Lady has interceded for me in different ways in this time. I had an encounter with Our Lady when I came back to the Catholic faith at mass at first I thought it was my imagination or the devil. All the signs now have brought good fruit.
The only way really is to pray through our Mother Mary for the Lord will never turn away his Mothers pleas for our mercy and forgiveness.
Simply beautiful, Marymagdalene2. I beleive Our Lady is with you and you are a favored child.

God Bless you.
Dearest friend

At several points in my life of extreme awfulness, I have smelt flowers, the scent of flowers so fragrant and near that I knew I was not alone in this tragedy and awfulness. It is not until recently that I knew what this beautiful fragrance was…it was my Blessed Mother Mary who was always with me pleading to our Lord on my behalf. I always loved Mary from childhood.

He answered her request …

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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