Rowan's story ABORTION: Mother tells how clinic workers left her born-alive infant to

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buffalo said:
ABORTION: Mother tells how clinic workers left her born-alive infant to die

New details are emerging in the case of Angele, 34, a woman who says she gave birth to a live pre-term baby at a Florida late-term abortion clinic—and that the child died after abortion workers refused to render aid or call for emergency help.


Hello Buffalo;
I hate to say but the link sounds so sensational and horrible; is it possible that it may not be true? Don’t get me wrong; you’re preaching to the choir, my friend. But I wonderf if there’s corroboration to found at the website (I didn’t see any). If it is true, may God have mercy on us all.

Hello Buffalo;
I hate to say but the link sounds so sensational and horrible; is it possible that it may not be true? Don’t get me wrong; you’re preaching to the choir, my friend. But I wonderf if there’s corroboration to found at the website (I didn’t see any). If it is true, may God have mercy on us all.

This is not the first time this story has been reported. It was on a different website several months ago. I don’t know if I’ll be able to find the link for you or not, but I’ll try.
I will help in the look for a supportive link, but this is not an unusual thing that happens… It’s heart wrenching and sick… doctors and nurses will do everything in their power to deliver and aid a baby that came into this world unexpectantly early. But they’ll let it die if the mother came in because she felt she didn’t want it anymore and tried to kill it. My heart hurts about this.
I sent that article to a woman I know who doesn’t care about abortion.

Later on she starts and msn chat with me.

Woman says:
why did you send that to me…I have asked you before not to…to end this subject all together
James says:
why? I thought you would find it equally upsetting. It is the truth that most people just want to ignore and live in ignorance so that they can justify their own selfish desires.
James says:
Life is most sacred when it is developing in the mothers womb
Woman says:
I find it very upsetting that you could care less that I don’t have the same interests that you do…you keep throwing it in my face
James says:
why does the truth disturb you?
Woman says:
no…I could care less…and I don’t really see that as quite the truth…its very slanted
Woman says:
and its not my business
Woman says:
and I’m fed up
James says:
yeah I’m fed up with ignorance too
Woman says:
face it…I don’t care if people go around aborting babies…its not my choice
Woman says:
fine…nice to have known you…but as I’m aparently an ignorant sole cuz i’m not catholic…I’m saying I don’t need you in my life anymore
James says:
do you not have a heart for those unborn children, unborn souls that are fighting innocently for their lives.?
James says:
this is not a catholic issue!
Woman says:
no I don’t
James says:
it is a civil issue
James says:
a mater of ethics
James says:
hence feminists for life
Woman says:
it is not…this is your issue Kev…one that apparently you cant let die
James says:
atheists for life
Woman says:
so go share it with someone else
Woman says:
someone that cares
James says:
I will always project and support the lives of the innocent
Woman says:
and if you didnt throw it in my face in every conversation…i wouldnt care
James says:
very well I will pray that you will someday be given a heart to care. but maybe you are just afraid of the issue. It is rather scary and upsetting
Woman says:
whatever…thanks for condeming me as usual
James says:
James says:
when do I ever condemn you
Woman says:
you’ve just killed my opinion of catholic people
Woman says:
your gonna pray for me
James says:
you had a bad one to begin with
Woman says:
so that some day im a better person
Woman says:
Woman says:
am happy the way i am
Woman says:
i am a good person
Woman says:
i make my own decision
Woman says:
i dont make others
James says:
but how can you accept such evil?
Woman says:
i cant force you to go out and date a fat girl…even a nice fat girl
Woman says:
and to me thats a far bigger crime than someone aborting a baby
James says:
no you can’t but I still have a heart and it is something that I need to work on
Woman says:
right now i think you are evil
Woman says:
i think that god would be very disapointed in you
James says:
really well I’m not the one supporting the culture of death
Woman says:
it is not your place to make people feel horrible for others crimes
Woman says:
no youve just told her she cant have a real relationship or love cuz shes fat
Woman says:
good job…definitely gods work
James says:
I think god would be happy with me for standing up and protecting the innocent. for those who don’t have a voice yet in this world
James says:
gods childern
Woman says:
you are wrong
Woman says:
and ive never had to feel bad that I dont judge other people
Woman says:
thats a very catholic thing
James says:
are you willing to say the same thing? are you will to accept that you could be wrong about abortion and just turning a blind eye to it?
Woman says:
and you saying you will pray i will change is the biggest judgment I’ve ever heard
Woman says:
what I do with my body is for me to decide
James says:
it is TOTALLY WRONG for anyone who is catholic to judge people
James says:
let me make that clear
Woman says:
what others do with theres…is theres
James says:
you keep falling back on that
Woman says:
you having premarital sex is wrong
James says:
Jesus would disagree
Woman says:
you hating gay people is wrong
Woman says:
being a bigit is wrong
James says:
I do not have premartial sex
Woman says:
and trust me god will see that
James says:
I do not hate gay people
Woman says:
he will watch you and think wow…that boy judges everyone around him
Woman says:
unless they agree with him…they are wrong
James says:
I first judge myself
Woman says:
catholics have strong valies and i know a lot of them…and you are making them look bad
Woman says:
thats all i have to say
James says:
you have a misunderstanding regaridn this whole juding issue
James says:
christ says “go and sin no more”
James says:
so he makes it clear that sin does exists
Woman says:
i hate this and I’m not willing to do it anymore…I’m not a bible thumper and listening to you…i’m starting to lose faith in religion period
Woman says:
you’ve done that
James says:
God is always loving
Woman says:
you do judge
Woman says:
you say i will pray for you
Woman says:
so that i will see the light
James says:
yes sometiem I do and for that I am wrong
Woman says:
that is pure judgemtn
Woman says:
cuz i dont agree and somehow thats not ok
James says:
but that is no reason for you to judge my religion
Woman says:
and you keep pushing and u will continue
Woman says:
are you kidding
Woman says:
im starting to hate religion period
Woman says:
youve done that
Woman says:
i feel freaking empty
Woman says:
you make me feel like i should just end my life cuz im a horrible person
Woman says:
you do that
Woman says:
you dont think before you speak
James says:
God is love, his love is like the current of an electric circuit. We are like the components of that circut we can chose to turn gods love off or turn it on. We can let his light shine through us toward others and let the truth be known.
Woman says:
or what the consequences of your words will be
Woman says:
you dont preach love
Woman says:
and i wont keep someone in my life that goes out of his way to make me feel so horrible
James says:
provide me with an example of how I do not?
Woman says:
you tell me im atheist
Woman says:
thats not love thats judgement
James says:
no I think you belive in christ
Woman says:
well im starting to not
James says:
I am happy that you have the curage and strength to pray.
James says:
I was really impressed when you told me that
Woman says:
i have a hard time believing he died so that people could live and condemn the world for living
Woman says:
i dont anymore
Woman says:
before you brought all of this in…i had no issues with god
Woman says:
but now youve told me that he would want me to suffer…and i cant pray to someone that would do that
James says:
you are just afraid. but don’t be. Christ loves us all even when we make mistakes and run away from him. He is always calling us back.
James says:
Woman says:
im not making mistakes
James says:
christ does not want you to suffer
Woman says:
theres the difference
Woman says:
i dont see how i live my life as a mistake…only you do
James says:
christ sets us free from sin. he died for us all so that we could be forgiven
Woman says:
i have several friends that have had abortions
James says:
all that maters is that we look toward the his light.
Woman says:
and i dont hate them for it
Woman says:
i dont judge them for it
James says:
he will forgive us over and over again … even if we had an abortion
Woman says:
and i dont think God does either
James says:
Christ would say to them I forgive you go and sin no more
Woman says:
im telling you right now…no one not even laurence breaking my heart and leaving has ever upset me as much as you have in the last month
Woman says:
its not worth it to me
Woman says:
be catholic…i dont give a ****
Woman says:
but dont try to make others catholic
James says:
no I am not always happy. I suffer too
Woman says:
i feel sorry for you…you will lose many friends in your lifetime telling them that their values are wrong
James says:
If what I belive in causes others to hate me then there is nothing I can do
Woman says:
yes you can…you can believe silently
Woman says:
and not cndemn others for having different beliefs…lots of religions and cultures in this world…yours isn’t the only one with meaning
James says:
how can I defend the innocent with that mindset. The light of christ must be known to all. they can reject it or accept it.
Woman says:
or dont have mungicake friends
Woman says:
ok well i reject it
James says:
very well
Woman says:
don’t contact me again…im turning aeithist
James says:
does that make you feel better
James says:
James says:
so you would rather reject God so that you can live your life the way that you want?
Woman says:
guess i should tell the mother its ok to beat her kid instead of reporting her to the authorities as i plan to…cuz i mean my values are shot
James says:
God is love robin . total and perfect love
James says:
why would you reject that?
Woman says:
i dont feel it as love i feel like you are turning god into hitler
James says:
… as a christian you must not become depressed because you are not perfect. God does not need you to be perfect.
James says:
I do not need you to be perfect
James says:
no one is perfect
Woman says:
Woman says:
or i will block you
James says:
we should not expect others to be perfect
James says:
Woman says:
its pathetic that you cant talk about anything else
Woman says:
you will push and push
Woman says:
and i wont budge
Woman says:
so just stop!!!
James says:
you started this conversation did you not?
Woman says:
yah as a why cant you just let it go
Woman says:
i was saying stop as usual
James says:
are you asking me to let go of my faith?
Woman says:
if i dont get it through your head you will send more emails that i will hate
James says:
don’t be mad if you ask me about it then
Woman says:
im asking you to take your faith and file it in a dont force it on Robin file
Woman says:
have your faith…i dont have an issue with that
Woman says:
but i knew you for 2 years before i knew you were catholic…so you must be capable of other things than what you are doing lately
James says:
sorry I think I understand now. You are afraid that what I might tell you will be truthful to your conscience. You don’t want to feel bad if it does.
James says:
ignorance from rational thought …
Woman says:
of course…your a complete *******
James says:
ignorance from the truth of love
Woman says:
you dont get it at all
Woman says:
so forget it
James says:
no I don’t
Woman says:
ill just hate god…and tell people its Jamess fault…he wouldnt stop harassing me and i figure god must be as bad
James says:
So you just want an excuse to reject God. I am sorry to hear that you are looking for that.
Woman says:
nope just rejecting your wonderful god
Woman says:
mine is fine with the fact that i dont force my opinions on everyone everyday
James says:
why is there to reject about a God that loves us even when we sin?
Woman says:
i reject you
Woman says:
and the god your talking about
James says:
Woman says:
i dont believe that he is the God above me,
James says:
who is?:
Woman says:
because you can absolutely care less that you are telling me im a horrible person
Woman says:
well i think you are a bit abusive
Woman says:
so im sure you can go to god say your sorry and all will be well
James says:
you are a good woman and I know that you have a good heart.
Woman says:
this is verbal abuse and i wont take it anymore…i do feel sorry for you…
James says:
perhaps I have made that mistake… but I can tellyou that God would not make the mistakes that I do
Woman says:
and i have lots of religious friends of all faiths, colours and i enjoy them a lot
Woman says:
good point…go tell him that you are making him look bad when you go to pay your loyalties to him tomorrow
James says:
so why does what I say hurt you so much? is it because the truth is self evident?
Woman says:
James says:
oh thanks… actually I haven’t went to church in a few weeks. thanks for reminding me. God has done alot for me. I should at least go to church tomorrow
Woman says:
its becasue you are a total ***
Woman says:
i dont see what you are saying as truth
Woman says:
i think you are warped
Woman says:
and this conversation is over
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