I had a project idea, and I thought that others here might be able to share their thoughts on this. Before we converted to the Catholic Church, I sometimes fell into the trap of believing that the Catholic Church’s rules were sometimes without meaning–rules for the sake of rules. I’m thinking of trying to write an article on the “top five or ten” beliefs that strike people (both inside and outside the Church) as meaningless or extra-biblical. Birth control is one interesting example. If I explored this topic, I’d probably first stress the obvious sanctity of life, then discuss the demographic harm the Culture of Death has inflicted on western nations. Other “rules” ideas might include the prohibition of women in the priesthood (or, perhaps more accurately, the inability to ordain women as priests), weekly Mass requirement, no meat on Fridays in Lent, etc. Do you know of any others that have been troubling to you or your loved ones? I’d appreciate the thoughts!