if Mary is said to be the co redemptrix …just wondering is she the one whom died on the cross for our sins…which enables to merit her as co redemptrix of Christ. Rules of Men or Rules of GOD?..help…
It is by Mary’s cooperation in God’s salvific plan for mankind that Jesus Christ entered the world, became man, suffered, died, and was buried, and then descended to the dead and then rose again and ascended into heaven, etc… Of great importance to this redeeming act of love God designed for us was that the Son of God be born to a fully human woman. But Mary was no ordinary human woman – she was the first of our race since the Fall to be born without the stain of original sin, and to remain throughout her human life sinless, by the grace of God. She is what humanity was designed to be: the perfect human, her will aligned with God’s and her heart pure and free from sin. Knowing that this is true, how can Mary not be a co-redemptrix? The meaning of that word is one who cooperates in or helps with redemption, yes? Did she cooperate? She did. Did her cooperation help God to fulfill his salvific plan for us? It did. Therefore, Mary is a co-demptrix with (instead of of, since Christ of course needed no redeemer) Christ.if Mary is said to be the co redemptrix …just wondering is she the one whom died on the cross for our sins…which enables to merit her as co redemptrix of Christ. Rules of Men or Rules of GOD?..help…