Running & Rosary

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Awhile back, I read somewhere that some people enjoy praying the rosary while running. I guess the rythym of the prayers and the pacing of the feet goes well together. I have never tried this, but might be interested.

Have any of you done this? Is anyone aware of any Rosary CDs that might promote this?

I do say the rosary while on the treadmill at the health club. It helps to pass the time and keep my mind occupied. I think the repetitive nature of the exercise is in step with the prayers. I am not aware of a CD, but if there isn’t one then you should consider marketing one. How many times do we think- I should have invented that for I saw the need even before they did!
I walk everyday saying my rosary w/ a CD of Gregorian Chant as background which keeps me centered on the Rosary…but I would like to find a good meditation on the mysteries:) p.s. (my running days are over)😉
Another prayer you might say to keep the rythmn is the “Jesus Prayer”. “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner”. You don’t have to meditate on it as in the Rosary.
If you have ever heard the Rosary chanted in Latin( we do it occasionaly at the Tridentine Latin Mass) you’ll notice a rythym that is almost like a marching rythym.
If you have ever heard the Rosary chanted in Latin( we do it occasionaly at the Tridentine Latin Mass) you’ll notice a rythym that is almost like a marching rythym.
Sounds wonderful! Do you know if a CD is available?🙂
I’m not sure but I’m sure there is a CD available somwhere. I google searched “Latin Rosary CD” real quick and it came up with some matches.
Love to recite the rosary when I take a walk for exercise. Without the rosary the walk is boring. With the rosary, I have entire conversations with Jesus and his mother. I become more aware of my surroundings: birds singing, a beautiful breeze blowing, the sun shining, friendly faces of people who are passing by saying Hi to me, friendly comments being made by perfect strangers working in their front yard, and so on. Before I know it, I am close to home again, and I still have the 5th decade to go. That’s when I walk slower, so that by the time I arrive home, I am finished saying the rosary.
I’m not allowed to run (bad knee), but when I walk, I like to pray the Rosary (and often include the Chaplet of Divine Mercy). I used to think about work, but the fifth time I (mentally) tore a co-worker limb-from-limb, I decided I needed something more spiritual, so I decided to say the Rosary instead. Works wonders.

Excercise and the Rosary…Feeling healthy, both inside and out! I find myself having conversations with God all the time during the day. It just feels so wonderful to just let Him take you away from what ever is going on in your life.🙂
I love the rosary CD called:🙂

The Rosary with Dana and Fr. Kevin Scallon C.M.
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