Even if I put numbers instead of barber in the “paradox”, I don’t see the problem. It takes two premises that are incomplete together and need further explanation.
Has anyone heard the radio debate between Russell and a priest on God? I heard a part of it once, it was on a website, awhile back
It’s not putting numbers in for barbers. Russell’s Paradox is prior to numbers. Frege’s project was to provide the basis or arithmetic, recall. To explain where numbers come from, and how they work. Or, maybe to say better, to provide a model that explains number. It’s a very controversial topic, even today. Many philosophers and mathematicians have tried to do this. From Plato and Aristotle, to JS. Mill who tried to make the basis purely empirical and physical, to Frege, Russell, Zermelo, Hilbert, Dummett, Carnap, Brouwer, Kant, etc. bringing up so many theories. Platonism, Empiricism, Formalism, Intuitionism, Constructivism, Fictionalism, Logicism, etc.
Russell’s Paradox speaks to Frege’s attempt to base arithmetic in logic, making it a purely analytic and a priori matter. This would help solve the problem of ontology and epistemology of math. In order to do that, Frege had to provide axioms - logic requires that. In an argument it’s called ‘assumptions’, in these theories they’re called axioms. They’re the foundation of the rest of the theory that is derived. Like how Euclidian geometry can be derived from Euclid’s axioms. What Russell’s Paradox did was show that Frege’s Logicism using Naive Set Theory was inconstant. This is a fatal flaw in a logical system. Russell and other mathematicians and logicians HAVE tried to continue the Logicism, altering the axioms to resolve the paradox.
All this happens before we even get to numbers. Frege was giving us a way to define numbers.