Russia converting America

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Is it possible that Russia will bring life to America. I think Russia has become much better than it was. Could this be the fulfillment of Fatima’s third secret? If Russia did try to bring Jesus back to the West how much blood would be shed?
Is it possible that Russia will bring life to America. I think Russia has become much better than it was. Could this be the fulfillment of Fatima’s third secret?** If Russia did try to bring Jesus back to the West how much blood would be shed?**
I wasn’t sure I understood the question.
You mean if its done covertly or by force? Are you talking about Moscow-Patriarch(+Putin)-run-Eastern-Orthodoxy?

I dont think so.
Is it possible that Russia will bring life to America. I think Russia has become much better than it was. Could this be the fulfillment of Fatima’s third secret? If Russia did try to bring Jesus back to the West how much blood would be shed?
Interesting observation. There was someone who pointed out how Russia has taken a firm stand against gay marriage, and related issues… It’s not something many would have expected a few years ago. Russia of all nations taking a stand on a moral issue in line with that of Christians? Amazing really. If the Russian govt is listening to the Orthodox on these matters, then more power to them, got to give them praise for taking a position that many governments in the West didn’t have the guts to defend.

Russia may have corrected her errors, but her errors are still spreading. I think I’ll keep my eyes on Europe and the US for clues. It’ll be interesting who and what stops the spread.
In I mean just simply bring the Gospel back to the USA
We have the gospel in America, what we lack is the fullness of the faith (THE problem in our gospel-only churches). From experience, I see a handful of western protestant Christians adopting Orthodoxy, simply because its NOT Roman Catholicism, but the majority of American Christians will stay put with what they are used to.

I dont think we are going to see a Russian Orthodox revolution or any Orthodox revolution.
We have the gospel in America, what we lack is the fullness of the faith (THE problem in our gospel-only churches). From experience, I see a handful of western protestant Christians adopting Orthodoxy, simply because its NOT Roman Catholicism, but the majority of American Christians will stay put with what they are used to.

I dont think we are going to see a Russian Orthodox revolution or any Orthodox revolution.
The wasn’t my idea. I am just meaning do you think Russia will influence the USA to take a more Christian stand in politices
Russia is rife with organized crime and corruption. It is no Shangri La or light on a hill. The Russian Mafia is ruthless and violent to a far greater degree than the Sicilian Mafia ever was. The Russian population is unhealthy and the life expectancy is on par with developing countries, I believe the lowest in Europe.

So, they oppose Gay marriage? What are they going to do, put you in prison for life and cut off your ear and sent it to your relatives? 🤷
The wasn’t my idea. I am just meaning do you think Russia will influence the USA to take a more Christian stand in politices
I’d probably have to say ‘no’ I think the US could have influenced other nations if we took a more Christian stand, but I don’t see that happening. I don’t think the world regards our morality very highly. Certainly the media that projects our image doesn’t help matters.
Russia is rife with organized crime and corruption. It is no Shangri La or light on a hill. The Russian Mafia is ruthless and violent to a far greater degree than the Sicilian Mafia ever was. The Russian population is unhealthy and the life expectancy is on par with developing countries, I believe the lowest in Europe.

So, they oppose Gay marriage? What are they going to do, put you in prison for life and cut off your ear and sent it to your relatives? 🤷
The suffering the people endured, and in most areas continue to endure is from the communist system that took a hold of their nation. When they collapsed economically, the Russian mobsters were no different than vultures who converge on a rotting carcass.

Communists tried to destroy Christianity, decimated churches, oppressed the faithful. The communist atheist state tried to break the will of God fearing people who just wanted to believe. They thought that faith and believing was something you could eradicate by seizing property, denying any form of human rights and rejecting truths of natural law. Yet in many parts of Russia, Christianity continued to flourish. People saw what a Godless state could be capable of and it reinforced their belief in God. Maybe the West will
have to experience what living in a Godless society is like,before it has its own reawakening.

Many Western nations have achieved their goal. That goal is to suppress most of what Christianity believes, and the influence Christianity has on the lives of people. What we’re showing here is really the irony of Russia’s actions, not the after effects of their communist failures. We’re not saying they went from sinner to saints, we’re looking strictly at this one issue with some objectivity and justified self criticism of our secular government. You know, the one that claims One Nation Under God, yata yata,bla , bla bla?

The headline is : Russia took a Moral stand, the Western world did not. For the first time in nearly 100 years, Russia and Christians are on the same side of a moral issue, who woulda thunk it.
If any “country” influences any countries, I think it will be the Vatican.
Is it possible that Russia will bring life to America. I think Russia has become much better than it was. Could this be the fulfillment of Fatima’s third secret? If Russia did try to bring Jesus back to the West how much blood would be shed?
We need to take a deeper look at Russia today!!
“The modern world, which
personal guilt and admits only
* social** crimes, which has no place for** personal** repentance but only** public** reforms, has** divorced** Christ from His Cross; the** Bridegroom** and Bride have been pulled apart. What God hath** joined** together,** men have torn asunder**. As a result**,** to the left is the Cross; to the** right** is the** Christ**”. …] Communism comes along and picks up the meaningless Cross; Western post-Christian civilization chooses the unscarred Christ.”*
“Communism has* chosen** the Cross** in the sense** that** it has brought back to an egotistic world a sense of discipline**,** self-abnegation, surrender, hard work, study**, and dedication to supra individual goals. But the** Cross without** Christ is sacrifice without love. Hence, Communism** has produced** a** society** that is** authoritarian, cruel, oppressive** of human freedom, filled with** concentrantion camps, firing squads, and brain-washings”***
“The Western post-Christian civilization has picked up the Christ without His Cross. But a Christ without a sacrifice that reconciles the world to God is a cheap, feminized, colorless, itinerant preacher who deserves to be popular for His great Sermon on the Mount, but also merits unpopularity for what He said about His Divinity on the one hand, and* divorce**,** judgment**, and** hell** on the other. This sentimental Christ is patched together with a thousand commonplaces. …] Without His Cross, He becomes nothing more than a** sultry precursor** of democracy or** a humanitarian** who taught** brotherhood** without tears”.*
This is* impressive** enough, and the lucidity of the man almost uncanny. The next part, though, is** almost scarily prophetic.
“The problem now is: Will the Cross, which Communism hold in its hands, find
Christ** before the** sentimental Christ** of the Western world finds the Cross? It is our belief that Russia will find the **Christ *before the western world unites Christ with His Redemptive Cross”…
Bishop Fulton Sheen
Whether Russia will be the catalyst a catalyst, or whether or not America will ever reverse course on the spiral to the secular religion and dogmas the government is imposing on the people now, remains to be seen. However, I did find the recent words of Putin rather unexpected in recent months. For example:Vladimir Putin called on Russians to strengthen a new national identity based on conservative and traditional values such as the Orthodox church on Thursday, warning that the west was facing a moral crisis.

“Sovereignty, independence, the integrity of Russia – those are red lines that no one is allowed to cross,” the Russian president warned.

Mr Putin said Russia should avoid the example of European countries that were “going away from their roots”, by legalising gay marriage and excessive “political correctness”.

“A policy is being conducted of putting on the same level multi-child families and single-sex partnerships, belief in God and belief in Satan. The excesses of political correctness are leading to the point where people are talking seriously about registering parties whose goal is legalising the propaganda of paedophilia,” Mr Putin claimed.

“People in many European countries are ashamed, and are afraid of talking about their religious convictions. [Religious] holidays are being taken away or called something else, shamefully hiding the essence of the holiday,” the Russian president added.

“We need to respect the rights of minorities to be different, but the rights of the majority should not be in question,” he said.

Russia is rife with organized crime and corruption. It is no Shangri La or light on a hill. The Russian Mafia is ruthless and violent to a far greater degree than the Sicilian Mafia ever was. The Russian population is unhealthy and the life expectancy is on par with developing countries, I believe the lowest in Europe.

So, they oppose Gay marriage? What are they going to do, put you in prison for life and cut off your ear and sent it to your relatives? 🤷
Anyone who* breaks** a Russian Law while visiting that country should reap the ****consequences. **If folks for gay marriage were really standing tall for **the freedom of all than why not put forward a little protesting for the Christians being killed daily in China. Or for all the children in this world being used by evil men and women promoting the sex trade and child pornographers. This is the scandal of *the world.
*As it stands, most of this freedom for all, is not about *freedom but about those in the West not wanting to accept “No” when they want to do something even when it is most degrading and morally wrong. In Russia this law appears to be in place to protect their children! God Bless them for this indeed! Perhaps we in the West should be as dedicated to our children. Perhaps the West can learn from the Russian to stand tall in terms of their young people as well.
Moscow perplexed with U.S. demands for review of IOC opinion on Russian gay propaganda law
“Explanations of this Russian law have been repeatedly given to U.S
. lawmakers amongst others. It seems the explanations were not heeded,” Dolgov said.
“The law does not aim to discriminate against sexual minorities; its sole objective is to protect children from inappropriate information harmful for people of their age,” he emphasized

***“It does not violate Russia’s international commitments in the field of human rights. The only thing this ***law prohibits is the aggressive pushing of non-traditional sexual behavior patterns on minors. Besides, violations are regarded as administrative rather than criminal offenses,” Dolgov said.
Russia will welcome all athletes and guests “irrespective of their sexual orientation,” the diplomat remarked.
“At the same time,
we expect our foreign guests tocomply with the fundamental Olympic principle of respect for the laws of the host country,” Dolgov said.
Whether Russia will be the catalyst a catalyst, or whether or not America will ever reverse course on the spiral to the secular religion and dogmas the government is imposing on the people now, remains to be seen. However, I did find the recent words of Putin rather unexpected in recent months. For example:
Vladimir Putin called on Russians to strengthen a new national identity based on conservative and traditional values such as the Orthodox church on Thursday, warning that the west was facing a moral crisis.

“Sovereignty, independence, the integrity of Russia – those are red lines that no one is allowed to cross,” the Russian president warned.

Mr Putin said Russia should avoid the example of European countries that were “going away from their roots”, by legalising gay marriage and excessive “political correctness”.

“A policy is being conducted of putting on the same level multi-child families and single-sex partnerships, belief in God and belief in Satan. The excesses of political correctness are leading to the point where people are talking seriously about registering parties whose goal is legalising the propaganda of paedophilia,” Mr Putin claimed.

“People in many European countries are ashamed, and are afraid of talking about their religious convictions. [Religious] holidays are being taken away or called something else, shamefully hiding the essence of the holiday,” the Russian president added.

“We need to respect the rights of minorities to be different, but the rights of the majority should not be in question,” he said.

👍 Russia!!
Whether Russia will be the catalyst a catalyst, or whether or not America will ever reverse course on the spiral to the secular religion and dogmas the government is imposing on the people now, remains to be seen. However, I did find the recent words of Putin rather unexpected in recent months.

“Sovereignty, independence, the integrity of Russia – those are red lines that no one is allowed to cross,” the Russian president warned.

Mr Putin said Russia should avoid the example of European countries that were “going away from their roots”, by legalising gay marriage and excessive “political correctness”.

“A policy is being conducted of putting on the same level multi-child families and single-sex partnerships, belief in God and belief in Satan. The excesses of political correctness are leading to the point where people are talking seriously about registering parties whose goal is legalising the propaganda of paedophilia,” Mr Putin claimed.

People in many European countries are ashamed, and are afraid of talking about their religious convictions. [Religious] holidays are being taken away or called something else, shamefully hiding the essence of the holiday,” the Russian president added.

“We need to respect the rights of minorities to be different, but the rights of the majority should not be in question,” he said.

I’m astounded really, absolutely astounded. Some of my opinions in the past about Mr Putin are too un-Catholic to mention. Now, I’m totally confused because I’m in line with everything he’s saying. It’s a bold stand. Now I read about these actions a month or two ago, but I never saw the reasoning and , nor any of these quotes.

If you didn’t know the words were coming from Mr. Putin, you would have thought it was straight from our camp and the Orthodox of course. Wonder if Pope Francis texted him, cuz you know he was smiling 👍

At this point I’m not even going to think about alterior motives. I read a piece where the IOC backed off trying to impose some sort of sanctions on Russia before the Olympics this winter. I hope some Russians on this forum can give their viewpoint. I don’t even care if it’s speculation. Why did Mr Putin take this action?

I’m certainly going to follow these events more closely. It’s too early to tell at this point, but if this sort of language and actions continue, I think it changes the dynamics completely. And no, I’m not looking at this strictly from a Fatima perspective, but we can’t totally write these actions off as trivial, not with how much the world has changed the past 10 years. This would be a major shift that will catch everyone by surprise, not just us.
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