Russians having more abortions than children

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This article reveals the misery and decline of Russia in terms of their very high abortion rate.

**Russians, Dying Younger, Have More Abortions Than Children **
Aug. 23 (Bloomberg) – Russians, whose lives are shorter and poorer than they were under communism, have more abortions than births to avoid the costs of raising children, according to the country’s highest-ranking obstetrician.

About 1.6 million women had an abortion last year, a fifth of them under the age of 18, and about 1.5 million gave birth, said Vladimir Kulakov, vice president of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. ``Many more’’ abortions weren’t reported.

The appearance of a first child pushes many families into poverty,'' Kulakov said today in the government's official newspaper, Rossiskaya Gazeta. Potential parents first try to start a career, stand on their feet and so forth.’’

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the ensuing hyperinflation and depression deprived millions of Russians of their incomes and savings and discouraged couples from having children. By 2000, the number of pensioners in Europe’s most populous country outnumbered children and adolescents for the first time…

Link to complete story:
This truly is a sign of the times. As I read recently - when birth control was popularized (and later, abortion), the reason was not to prevent children…we already had a method that 100% reliable (abstinence). Rather, we wanted something to remove the responsibility for our actions while maintaining the ability to fulfill our lusts. Let’s all continue to pray for our world!
Russian women have virtually no access to birth control and use abortion as birth control.
HLI using the figure that the average Russian woman will have 8 abortions in her lifetime. How very sad. Russia is truly a nation in need of our prayers. Avoiding children through abortion is part of the culture there.
…there was a Pope one time that predicted this… amazing…

This is the result of so many years of Communism. The Orthodox church needs a revival in Russia, it sounds as if it’s influence must be very minimal.
Ae we talking LeoXIII or JPM?
i was referring to LeoXIII

This statistic cries to heaven for God’s Mercy, but it is not news. Though the article fails to mention it, in Russia, abortions have been outnumbering births for decades.

But the article itself is also misleading and disingenuous. Its general message is that abortions outnumber births mainly due to the increase in poverty in Russian society since the “collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991”.

Well, this economic decline may or may not be true, but what the article fails to tell you is that not only have Russian abortions outnumbered births for years, the abortion rate was higher - - much higher - - during the Soviet years. The article also fails to mention that the Russian abortion rate has actually been going down since 1995. This (slowly) decreasing abortion rate since the fall of the Soviet Union contradicts the main premise of the article.

One can only hope that the recent gradual decline in the abortion rate (though it is still appallingly high) may be a sign of a slow but genuine re-Christianization of Russian society.

Please pray for Russia and the Russian people, and for an end to abortion wherever it exists, especially in those countries where it has become so thoroughly entrenched in society (including our own), due to years of legal status.
Most excellent points Ricardus,

Can you provide a source for your facts, I would love to know a bit more of Russia’s stats and history concerning abortions after reading this article.

(or if anyone else might have sources that can provide a more ‘complete’ picture?)

God bless…
Most excellent points Ricardus,

Can you provide a source for your facts, I would love to know a bit more of Russia’s stats and history concerning abortions after reading this article.

(or if anyone else might have sources that can provide a more ‘complete’ picture?)

God bless…
Thank you, Crow. Here is a link to a table of Russian live births compared to abortions for each year going back to 1985, and prior to then for every five year interval going back to 1970.

A Google search on “Russia and abortion” will provide much, much more, but I have to say that the stats you will find (peaking in the mid-1960’s) are not for the tender of heart…

Yours in Christ,
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