What about the consecrated religious life? To be a religious means to be celibate, and in the broad majority of cases, religious aren’t ordained. This is because a huge number of religious are female, and the ones that are male are not always members of clerical societies.
As for “celibacy” and “chastity,” you seem to have your definitions a little mixed up. Celibacy is the state of abstaining from marriage. A single person who is just not yet married (or who hasn’t taken a promise of celibacy) is not said to be celibate, since it is an actual chosen commitment, and not simply one’s circumstances. And chastity is the virtue of being sexually pure. All people are called to chastity. Married people must be chaste within the context of marriage, meaning that their relations are open to life and exclusive.
You keep posting about this seeming binary between sexual/non-sexual way of life and how that correlates to marriage/celibacy, but it’s really not quite that simple. There are many other layers to this, and different ways people can live their lives, whether permanently or in transition. And besides, per your earlier thread, just because someone can control himself sexually doesn’t mean that he should automatically become a priest. There are many priests who struggle with sexual temptation (one doesn’t stop being human the moment he’s ordained). And there are many married people who control themselves sexually. In fact, if one can’t exercise self-control sexually, this can present problems within marriage. It’s just not the case that priesthood (or religious life) is this state for magical, quasi-angelic beings with no sexual desire, and that marriage is a sexual free-for-all for those with no self-control. If someone doesn’t have sexual desire, this is not necessarily a positive or normal thing, and they may be rejected for seminary or religious application (this is part of the psychological evaluation done beforehand). And if someone views marriage as this unchecked license to simply have sex all the time, this could be very problematic for that state in life as well.
In short, all are called to chastity, each within his particular state in life. That’s going to look different in different vocations. It’s not quite as simple as you’re making it.