peace be with you! i love devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Jesus is so full of mercy and love and desires that people come to Him with great trust and love. the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a much loved devotion by many Catholics and i think that some on these boards would like to grow in this devotion. for those who don’t know much about it…here is a very short history of how it came about: it came during the 17th century when the Jansenist heresy was in full force. many high ranking officials in the Church were influenced by this heresy and the laity were as well. the Jansenist heresy basically said that one had to be perfect in order to come to God. one French Bishop influenced by the heresy boasted that in his diocese not one person received communion in a year! very few were given absolution. in some churches, pictures of Jesus with an angry face, pointing His finger in anger was placed in front of the tabernacle. people were afraid to come to their Lord and receive Him. you can only imagine how terrible this heresy was. Jesus, who desires to give Himself to people…who desires to pour out His Mercy and Love and that people come to Him in Communion could not give Himself in the sacraments because people were no longer allowed. so what did Jesus do about this?
well, He found a poor little nun by the name of St. Margaret Mary. He would appear to her and tell her about His love for mankind and especially about the love of His Sacred Heart for sinners. listen how He laments to St. Margaret Mary about what was going on:
“There it is, the Heart so deeply in love with men, it spared no means of proof–wearing itself out until it was utterly spent! This meets with scant appreciation from most of them; all I get back is ingratitude–witness their irreverance, their sacrileges, their coldness and contempt for me in this Sacrament of Love.”
here is the account of a famous apparition when He appeared to her from the Blessed Sacrament in her words…
"Jesus Christ, my kind Master, appeared to me. He was a blaze of glory–His five wounds shining like five suns, flames issuing from all parts of His human form, especially from His divine breast which was like a furnace, and which He opened to disclose His utterly affectionate and loveable Heart, the living source of all those flames. It was at this moment that He revealed to me the indescribable wonders of His pure love for mankind: the extravagance to which He’d been led for those who had nothing for Him but ingratitude and indifference. “This hurts me more,” he told me, “than everything I suffered in my passion. Even a little love from them in return–and I should regard all that I have done for them as next to nothing, and look for a way of still doing more. But no; all my eager efforts for their welfare meet with nothing but coldness and dislike. Do me the kindness, then–you, at least—of making up for all their ingratitude, as far as you can.”
Let us do Him this favor, being the one who will offer Him a little love and gratitude in return, for He has done so much out of love for us.
well, He found a poor little nun by the name of St. Margaret Mary. He would appear to her and tell her about His love for mankind and especially about the love of His Sacred Heart for sinners. listen how He laments to St. Margaret Mary about what was going on:
“There it is, the Heart so deeply in love with men, it spared no means of proof–wearing itself out until it was utterly spent! This meets with scant appreciation from most of them; all I get back is ingratitude–witness their irreverance, their sacrileges, their coldness and contempt for me in this Sacrament of Love.”
here is the account of a famous apparition when He appeared to her from the Blessed Sacrament in her words…
"Jesus Christ, my kind Master, appeared to me. He was a blaze of glory–His five wounds shining like five suns, flames issuing from all parts of His human form, especially from His divine breast which was like a furnace, and which He opened to disclose His utterly affectionate and loveable Heart, the living source of all those flames. It was at this moment that He revealed to me the indescribable wonders of His pure love for mankind: the extravagance to which He’d been led for those who had nothing for Him but ingratitude and indifference. “This hurts me more,” he told me, “than everything I suffered in my passion. Even a little love from them in return–and I should regard all that I have done for them as next to nothing, and look for a way of still doing more. But no; all my eager efforts for their welfare meet with nothing but coldness and dislike. Do me the kindness, then–you, at least—of making up for all their ingratitude, as far as you can.”
Let us do Him this favor, being the one who will offer Him a little love and gratitude in return, for He has done so much out of love for us.