Saint francis vs Saint Homobonus

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I am 25 and entering into what will be my way of life. I have had encounters with God and God has done a great deal for me and I really want to serve him. Saint francis is my patron saint and I have been discerning becoming a Franciscan but I have wanted to own my own buisness since I was 3 and I recently graduated with my MBA.

While I was discerning I ran across Saint Homobonus who was a rich buisness man who continued his buisness while giving away most of his wealth. He kept enough to support himself but gave the rest to the poor while Saint francis on the other hand took the bible literally and submitted all his wealth and lived as a poor mans completely dependent of God.

They both lived good lives and became saints but which philosophy do you think is better?

I personally lean to Homobonus. When someone is in abject poverty he becomes dependent on and a burden on others Homobonus never did that. Some Christians argue money is the root of all evil I on the other hand argue money is not intrinsically bad and can be used for great things. Homobonus continually gave to the poor and helped the poor throughout his entire life. In today’s world when non believers see a priest or religious person they in the vast majority of cases will shut their ears but when they see a common person leading by example they become intrigued. So it makes me think I should follow Homobonus’s example and run a buisness but give away 80-90% of my wealth after business expenses instead of being a Franciscan.

But I understand “different strokes for different folks” so what’s you opinion on the 2 saints and who do you prefer?
But I understand “different strokes for different folks” so what’s you opinion on the 2 saints and who do you prefer?
Become a Franciscan, figure out how to make lots of money for the Order and how best to give it all to the needy.

Best of both saints! 👍
I could be wrong; but, by the tenor of your message and extent of your education, it seems to me you would be happier following Homobonus’ way of life instead of St. Francis’. Don’t get me wrong, I pray for vocations every day, what I mention is what I perceived. Furthermore, you might also be called to the married life or change your mind about giving 90% and won’t be obliged because you will not have taken a vow. You project a good heart and I think that if you continue to allow our Lord Jesus Christ to assist you, you will do the right thing. Certainly, you have been given the grace of generosity and you will probably help many people in your life.

God bless you. You’re in my prayers.
I could be wrong; but, by the tenor of your message and extent of your education, it seems to me you would be happier following Homobonus’ way of life instead of St. Francis’. Don’t get me wrong, I pray for vocations every day, what I mention is what I perceived. Furthermore, you might also be called to the married life or change your mind about giving 90% and won’t be obliged because you will not have taken a vow. You project a good heart and I think that if you continue to allow our Lord Jesus Christ to assist you, you will do the right thing. Certainly, you have been given the grace of generosity and you will probably help many people in your life.

God bless you. You’re in my prayers.
Thank you for the kind words
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