Hello everyone!
Just thought I’d let you know that you can now get the fantastic television show from Saint Michael’s Media, The One True Faith, FOR FREE!!!
You can view the episodes online here: www.download.theonetruefaith.tv
Yes - the quality isn’t perfect, we know this, but at least it’s there and it’s free.
You can also get podcast/audio only versions here: www.podcast.catholictelevision.org
Yep - those are free too!!!
Enjoy!! And please consider passing these links to friends or family who may have questions about the Faith - they are not that long to watch, and present our beautiful Catholic Faith in a simple and straight forward style that is easy to understand.
God Bless!
Just thought I’d let you know that you can now get the fantastic television show from Saint Michael’s Media, The One True Faith, FOR FREE!!!
You can view the episodes online here: www.download.theonetruefaith.tv
Yes - the quality isn’t perfect, we know this, but at least it’s there and it’s free.
You can also get podcast/audio only versions here: www.podcast.catholictelevision.org
Yep - those are free too!!!
Enjoy!! And please consider passing these links to friends or family who may have questions about the Faith - they are not that long to watch, and present our beautiful Catholic Faith in a simple and straight forward style that is easy to understand.
God Bless!