Saint of the day/week/month/whatever

  • Thread starter Thread starter KatarinaTherese
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What do you think of having some sort of prayer/discussion on one saint every so often? It could go lots of different ways - reading that saint’s writings or sharing certain quotes, praying for a virtue that saint exemplified, etc. There are lots of possibilites (because we have so many wonderful saints!).

Eileen T:
I like the idea but would this be the Forum to do it?
Hi! I’m still learning to navagate around CA myself. Could I make a suggestion? You might go back to the Water Cooler Forum and read the post by Therese Martin called “Choosing Your Forum Wisely”. She has some pretty good ideas.

Good Luck on your new thread.
Oh, whoops! I definitely meant to post this in Spirituality… Sorry. :o
Oh, whoops! I definitely meant to post this in Spirituality… Sorry. :o
Write a PM to Walt Oliver, one of the Mods and he will move this Thread to the Spirituality Forum for you.
i run a saint of the day (err, may have missed a few days recently) community on livejournal. i post a pic, bio, prayer and quotes if i can find them on each saint. maybe i or someone else could do something like that here? would that be what you are thinking of?
Hi Katarina Therese–Belief Net has a subscription service for “Saint of the Day” which gives a short bio on each saint whise day is celebrated, Some good info!–nicolo
Thanks everybody! Those are the kinds of things I was thinking of. 👍
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