Saints Books and Catechisms

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Cathechisms are instructions basic to the catholic faith. If you are a catholic, but has not received proper instruction about the faith, than this is for you.
You will get a better sense of how to be a good and devout catholic, and what does it mean to be one. Do you know that you are God’s Chosen People? Yes you are, and you are called to become great saints as well, no matter how many or how big your sins are, the mercy of God is infinite, and he will make you a saint, like St. Dismas (the thief next to Jesus), St. Mary Magdalene, St. Paul, St. Margaret Cortona, St. Pelagia, St. Mary of Egypt (the last two are ex-prostitutes), if you go to confession frequently, He will make you a saint. And you will have deep loving relationship with Him, as if no one existed. Because he loves you. Personally, and he knows you.

Cathechism of St. Pius X book

A must have for every catholic. Very simple and understandable. Not lengthy but short Q and A. Unlimited Stars, haha

Cathechism on the Catholic Dhuay Rheims Bible

The only one and true bible, with simple words, and profound in meaning. Translated with approval of the Holy See, not on person to person basis.

Cathechism of the Catholic Church

This one is quite lengthly, but if you are determined to know what it means to be a catholic, human sexuality according to the will of God, and so on, go for it.

Enchiridion of Indulgences book
After you make a good hearty confession, if you do not want to go to purgatory to suffer without merit, maybe for 5000 years because of mortal sins… (I’ve heard that, even more, I think… ) This is the book. The plenary indulgence gives you a release from all temporal punishment, if you fulfill all the three conditions, sacrament of confession, eucharist, and prayer for the intentions of the Pope (1 Hail Mary, 1 Our Father), and no attachment to any venial sins whatsoever, this can be done by asking God the Grace (God, disattach me from any sin mortal or venial.), and the work required, such as recitation of the rosary in a church, adoration of the blessed sacrament for half an hour, reading of the Scriptures for half an hour.

And you will also get a plenary indulgence on Divine Mercy Sunday (that is, first week after easter), if you go to confession and receives eucharist, with no other requirements other than a hearty contrition and sorrow for your sins. Isn’t God’s Mercy unfathomable?

For your information, 5000 years in purgatory is better than be in hell, for eternity.(that means 5000 years* 1 billion years * infinity) It’s not to late, do not postpone God’s Call. You are created only for Him, to love Him now and for eternity. God doesn’t see studies, riches, honors, money, house, cars, popularity, name, beauty, he only sees your heart. Your suffering heart, and he has compassion for that. The mercy and compassion of God for you no one can imagine. He misses you. You are precious in His heart. As a father misses his son who is missing. He doesn’t judge you. He knows your pain, that you are hurt, by other people, by family, dissapointed, but he is the best of fathers, and mothers. He is unlike earthly father or mother. No, He is Love and Mercy itself. And he wants to heal your heart with His holy love.

You have to let yourself be loved by God, and ask his mercy, for you and the whole world.

Catechisms of St. Thomas Aquinas

You got the basics.

Now go on, be a pro:)
(a pro in catholicism means the most humble, the lowest of all, but exalted high in heaven, and gain many merits for the Glory of God and Salvation of souls)

Saints Books

Autobiography of St. Gemma Galgani
St. Gemma Galgani is an italian saint, lived in around 1880, died and attain sanctity at a young age, in her twenties. She went to confession three times a week and went to mass and received the eucharist three times a week

Diary of St. Gemma Galgani (webpage)
Very interesting account of St. Gemma Galgani’s life, in her own words.
The Imitation of Christ - Thomas A Kempis book
A favorite of saints. Many saints read this and became saints. One of them is St. Therese of Lisieux.

Story of A Soul - St. Therese of Lisieux’ Autobiography

A french nun, better known as St. Therese of the Child Jesus. Died in late 1800, at the age of 24. Attain sanctity in a very short time in her little way, and she shows that little way to everyone. To show that holiness is not the luxury of the few, but within reach of everyone, even in the most unworthy task, such as taking a needle off the floor out of love for Jesus. It has eternal merits. She shows that every little things that is done for the love of Jesus has infinite merits in the eyes of God. God doesn’t see how big is the work, or how hard, but he sees the love. The love we have for Him.

Consoling Thoughts of St. Francis The Sales book

He reminds you of the Gentleness of Jesus, and His enduring mercy. He doesn’t want any one of you to be lost, even the most hardened sinners. He is the best of fathers.

Divine Mercy in my soul - St. Faustina Kowalska Diary

If you has not known the mercy of God, this book is for you. Never let your sins dishearten you, the mercy of God is infinite. If only you come back, begs forgiveness, change your life, he will forgive and forgets all your sins right at that moment, but you must first go to confession. Conversion is not easy, it needs grace. And grace can only be obtained by prayers, and the sacraments (penance and eucharist, and other sacraments)

Ascent of Mount Carmel - St. John of The Cross book
For those who are journeying towards perfection, to become saints. What to avoid, what to do, and how can worldly pleasures harm your soul.

Spiritual Canticle of The Soul - St. John of The Cross book
You are the bride of Christ, and He is Your Bridegroom. If you follow him, now, and for eternity. This is the sound of those who is falling in love with Christ. Written in a loving tone of a spouse, a bride (you), and a bridegroom (Him). He loves you, with a chaste and holy love of a spouse. He is indeed, your spouse. At the time of baptism, you have became his spouse, and your soul is pleasing in His sight, after mortal sin, you can lose the beauty of your soul and become deformed. Now you can turn that back, the beauty of your soul in the sight of God, by going to confession.

The Hidden Treasure of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - St. Leonard of Port Maurice book
For those who doesn’t know what the eucharist mean. You can also visit the page of eucharistic miracles here

The Art of Dying Well - St Robert Bellarmine
Yes, we have to be ready for death. Because our lives on earth is very short. 70 - 80 years of toil and labors, and sufferings on earth, compared to eternity of happiness, or eternity of pain, for that matter. Therefore, St. Dominic Savio, who died at the age of 15 made exercises of a good death every month with his friends at St. Don Bosco’s Oratory. This exercises consists of going to confession and receive the eucharist as if it is for the last time.

On Loving God - St. Bernard of Clairvaux book
Why should we love God? St. Bernard explains all. We love God because he first loved us, and not for ourself, but for his own self.

St. Anthony Mary Claret - Autobiography book
He will lead you to sanctity by his own words, and example. Of humility, modesty, meekness, and poverty. He desires heaven. He desires nothing on earth but God’s holy will, to love God, and to make him loved.
Revelations of St. Bridget of Sweden book
This book was popular in the middle ages around Sweden. St. Bridget / Birgitta is the founder of the Birgitinne order. She has 8 children, one of which was also canonized as a saint, St. Catherine of Sweden. She gives example of a good family life, how to teach your children on the love of God by example. How to life a chaste marriage. All for love of God, and love of souls. Her life can be read here

Life and Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa

Including treatise on purgatory. She receives revelations about the state of souls in purgatory. If you want to know the condition, this is the book.

The Little Numbers of Those who are saved - St. Leonard of Port Maurice

The sermon of St. Leonard, addressing the importance of salvation, that very few people are answering God’s Call. He says that out of 60000, there is only 3 who are saved. Well, if you see around, who really loves God? no one. Then, what he said is very possible… So take care to belong to the little number by frequenting the sacrament of penance. By Prayers. By penance and sacrifices. Your soul is worth to fight for. Check out World Population.

Marian Books by St. Louis the Montfort
Totus tuus (totally yours) to mary. It will change your life. Make an act of consecration (here) to the immaculate heart of mary, to be her slave. It is better to be Mary’s slave than the slave of sin/the devil, which we are. Mary will take care of the rest, and she will change you. Totus tuus is the apostolic motto of Pope John Paul II

Lives of Saints

Life of St. Catherine Of Sienna book- By her confessor Blessed Raymond of Capua

An inspiring account of life of St. Catherine of Sienna, who is a mother to us all. She holds an high degree of sanctity, even at the age of toddler. Just like st. Therese of Lisieux.

Life of Elizabeth of Hungary book - The Count of Montelembert

Well, you can browse to the more interesting parts, on how she serve the poor, the sick, kiss the lepers wounds, distribute food to poor people, even though she was a queen of Hungary.

Life and Letters of St. Francis Xavier

Very interesting account of St. Francis Xavier’s mission to Goa, Maluku, Japan, India, and his letters, addressing how to catechize people.

Our Lady of Fatima - In Lucia’s Own Words
Lucia is one of the three children of Fatima. The other two is blessed Jacinta Marco, and blessed Francesco. In this book, Lucia gives an interesting account about her childhood with Jacinta and Francesco, and details about Our Lady’s apparition to them, and what Our Lady said. They fasted for conversion of sinners, as little as they were, Jacinta died at the age of 10. Francesco also died as a little boy. They were put to jail and threatened to be fried with oil. I give this 100 stars. This book includes photos, real footage. We can learn simplicity and holiness from blessed Jacinta, and blessed Francesco.
Contemplative prayer is … when you see Jesus, and he sees you.

Without discursive action, involving the thoughts. It is free from thoughts. Only you and Jesus, and you understand each other’s love.

It is a pre feeling of the life of heaven.

You can do so… actually, when God himself brings you to contemplation.

The rosary, when recited well, is actually a mental and vocal prayer.
But that can lead to contemplation as well, when recited regularly with love

The gift of speaking in tongues is actually the shortest way to achieve contemplation, but you must be careful because there are many false speaking in tongues…

You can also, in front of the blessed sacrament, you see him, with love and faith, and he sees you. It is a prayer in itself.

Jesus prayer, which consist of speaking the name of Jesus according to the rhythm of your breathing Jeee, suuuus. Jeeee…suuus…

It will little by little lead you to contemplation, since it omits all discursive actions involving the thoughts. Your mind is freed from all thoughts and imaginations, save the presence of Jesus

It can also be said, Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me a sinner, according to the rhythm of your breathing, for like 20 minutes. It will bring you deep profound peace.

You can read:
The Cloud of Unknowing:

Or The way of the pilgrim,

To understand about Jesus prayer that leads to contemplation.

The name of Jesus is powerful.

That is, realizing the presence of God, without any discursive thoughts. But real presence, the indwelling of the holy trinity in our hearts.

Sometimes, songs such as gregorian chants can also lead you to contemplation. To contemplate Jesus for all eternity, is why we are created. We are created to love and to be loved by Jesus. For all eternity. And our minds are created for just that.

You can read St. Albert the great’s book, on cleaving to God, to learn about how the mind is created to contemplate God… and must be freed from all hindrance (such as excessive studies, gossips, curiosity, vain imaginations, etc)

Contemplative prayer is also… union with the beloved, Jesus himself

You can listen to carmelite podcasts here, the carmelite saints will lead you on the way of contemplation:

May the merciful Jesus bless you
Thank you for your book list.
Specifically, I am looking for some books about the saints for a 10 yr. old girl who is growing up in an agnostic family but who for some reason (?) wants to learn about the saints (!)
Thanks so much. 🙂
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