Saints In Tanks?

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Hey guys, I have a gorgeous snake and made an equally gorgeous tank to go along with it. It’s inspired by Our Lady of Guadalupe and I would love to put a statue of her in there.
Am I able to do that or would that be a bad idea?
Hey guys, I have a gorgeous snake and made an equally gorgeous tank to go along with it. It’s inspired by Our Lady of Guadalupe and I would love to put a statue of her in there.
Am I able to do that or would that be a bad idea?
Are you talking about an actual, physical snake, and some kind of tank that you are keeping it in?

I can’t see a problem with it.
I’m sorry, this made me chuckle – I couldn’t help thinking of the Protevangelium (Genesis 3:15), where God says to the snake : “I shall put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; it will bruise your head and you will strike its heel.”

I’d probably be ill at ease if I were your snake and there was Our Lady in there with me 😆

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In all seriousness, I don’t see why it would be a problem.
If you really think it’s worthy of the Blessed Mother of God Incarnate… to put a statue of her in a tank… as a decoration… with a snake… then okay… Sorry, my intuition is quite the opposite of the other posters.
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That does not sound like a good idea, the snake could defecate on it or worse.
That’s a really good point, I hadn’t thought of that. Definitely would be disrespectful to Our Lady if that happened.
In Brazil, boas are the only snakes people ever keep as pets. I have known two people in Brazil who had boas. They both said they weren’t kept in a cage of any kind, they were free to wander around the apartment. They are said to be the only native Brazilian snakes that have the ability to recognize their owner and form an attachment. (I don’t know about Asian or African snakes – maybe there are species there that have that ability, but not in Brazil.) For all other Brazilian snakes, a human is just a human. We are all indistinguishable from one another.
IMO snakes as pets are a bad idea. The UK’s Royal Society of Biology found that at least 75 percent of pet snakes die within a year of captivity. They are meant for the wild.
So I clicked on this thread expecting to see a picture of Mother Theresa riding in an M1 Abrams, and although this is a fascinating conversation, I have to admit that I am a little disappointed.

Oh, and if it were up to me, I probably wouldn’t use an object of veneration as a decoration in a snake tank.
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As someone who has a son that had a pet snake as a teenager, there was no way I was going to allow it to roam my house! He did let it roam in his bedroom and left a nice urine stain on the carpet that no professional cleaner was ever able to get it out…even though every one of them claimed they could!

I found out snakes don’t urinate very often and it becomes very concentrated when a local vet called our lab wanting to get a creatinine level on it. Sure! We can do that! We wound up having to do a 1:1000 dilution to finally get a very high reading within the analyzers range! 😂

I’m not fond of snakes anyway and after the experience with my son, I wouldn’t recommend a snake for anyone being able to roam the house.

Sorry, this topic brought back all my memories of trying to remove that stain! PS…I never asked the vet how he got the sample…I wish I had! 🤣
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IMO snakes as pets are a bad idea. The UK’s Royal Society of Biology found that at least 75 percent of pet snakes die within a year of captivity. They are meant for the wild.
My one experience of a pet snake was pretty bad and not something I would be inclined to repeat. I never intended to acquire a pet snake. I actually just found a snake. It wasn’t one that was indigenous to the UK, and it certainly shouldn’t have been slithering around an expanse of London concrete. I took it to a pet shop that sold snakes, where they told me that it was indigenous to north America and had probably come over in some kind of cargo, most likely fruit. I put it in a tank and tried to feed it, but it didn’t last long. To be fair, I guess that its journey to the UK and its time slithering around London in the cold had probably caused damage from which it was unable to recover. I did get to be fond of the little chap, and I like to think that I gave him a decent chance.
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