Saints stories for evangelization

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I have recently been reading more quotes and stories of the Saints. Does anyone have any good recommendations of Saints stories or similar resources that would be good for evangelization of fallen-away and non-Catholics?

I ask because I know some fallen-away or lukewarm Catholics, as well as non-Catholics, who tend to look on the Church as not being relevant, effective at guiding towards holiness, or just having a dubious past. Others are complacent or think just don’t see the depth of communion we can have with Christ. Still others are skeptical of that depth of communion, holiness, or miraculous intervention, not necessarily denying that miracles can happen, but thinking they stopped happening. These last skeptics would likely need some degree of validation of miracles (not just trusting stories).

I know there are many knowledgeable Catholics out there, and many who know the Saints very well. Any suggestions?

Thank you!
how about Fatima? many who refused to believe that day ended up bellieving. what about lourdes? the officials in lourdes scoffed and mocked bernadette and yet thousands and thousands came and believed. i think fatima is a good example because there are actual documentations of the miracle of the sun. some call that mass hysteria but it wasn’t. and when you present someone with the photographic evidence and the testimony of witnesses, they can’t call it mass hysteria. and take this into consideration as well what the Holy Virgin said. also note when a doctor was present at one of the visions of Bernadette, he had noticed that her hand had not burned. as well as the water she was directed to. there are alsop the incorrupt bodies of the saints. take mary of agreda into consideration, bernadette, saint silvan (died 2 thousand years ago perfectly incorrupt to this day still with the mortal wound in his neck) ask these non believers or fallen away catholics how these bodies are so perfectly preserved and not disolved into dust. why are they so perfectly preserved from the natural decomposition that human bodies undergo when they die. God is the answer. there are thousands of catholic saints and so many more thousands of miracles. i hope this helps.
I have recently been reading more quotes and stories of the Saints. Does anyone have any good recommendations of Saints stories or similar resources that would be good for evangelization of fallen-away and non-Catholics?!
Butler’s Lives of the Saints is the best multi-volume series on the lives of the saints; it is in English. I have put some OCR’ed PDFs on my webpage:
From Fr. Alban Butler’s The Lives of the Saints:
Hi Arandur, I share the same sentiments. That’s why I started creating cute and trendy artwork of the beloved saints, to reach out to young tastes of today. My website showcases my artwork with a short description of each saint, simple enough for children to understand. There are references to more detailed information too. I’ve just started it, so it is a growing project. Meanwhile I hope you can find something useful there.

God bless+
I Just heard the following story:

An arch Deacon known to Saint Vincent Ferrer died at the same hour as saint Bernard. The Deacon appeared to Ferrer after dying, saying the following: at the hour I died, 33,000 others also died. Those that went straight to heaven were 2: Myself and saint Bernard. Those that went to purgatory numbered 3, and the rest went to hell. So 5 out of 33,000 were saved. Just imagine if this is the ratio of people saved to people damned. Damn!!!

· Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee…….

Here’s a link to a website where you can download some excellent, thought provoking free talks on the faith. The talks are by a priest and apologist. Very inspiring,and interesting talks by a man who is very knowledgable on the faith. . Downlaod them, and give em to your friends. The talk that contains the above story is season 6 episode 13: “total war”

Hope this helps
Thanks, everyone!

I have heard some skepticism of the Guadalupe and Fatima accounts that bring up enough evidence to provide shelter to the unbelieving. So hopefully more convincing accounts…some of the Eucharistic miracles I recall are pretty solid.

I’d like to keep hearing references, as I’m sure there are many great and inspiring saints’ stories.

Another link, Guitarplayer, from my diocese is Audio and notes.
There’s a guy from the States, named Don CAllaway who has an amazing conversion story that is very inspiring. He once lived a very wild life, including being a drug dealer, but was converted, and eventually became a priest!

There’s a DVD of his testimony, and also a book that details his story. I’ve seen the DVD and its great. Here’s a link to a video for more info:

Also Wayne Weible’s first book on Medjugorje: “Medjugorje The Message”. Wayne was a skeptical Lutheran journalist initially, but through his journey that involved visits to the apparition site, and reporting on the happennings in Medjugorje, Wayme became a believer in the apparitons and is now a devout catholic.
I would recommend the following text, which I know is available online for only $14 (with shipping and handling).

Lives of the Saints For Every Day of the Year, Illustrated
Edited by Rev. Hugo Hoever, S.O.Cist., Ph.D.
Printed by Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York
Copyright 1961-1965 (near the bottom of the list)
Why dont you pray to God for the right books or people that will convert your friends
St. Augustine’s conversion story. He lived a “truly pagan’s” lifestyle and one, I’m almost certain of, that even a pagan father would not allow his own daughter to associate with.

Fr. Corapi (not a saint and living) is another converted pagan that might be good for evangelizing. I understand he has or is releasing his biography.
I Love the Saints too! So much so, I started collecting quotes from them about a year ago, and then decided to turn my personal journal of saint quotes into a daily blog. It simply presents a brief reflection from the saints, and a nice picture of them.

Check it out below…this might be what you are looking for?

     - Daily reflections on life by those who lived closest with Christ
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