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Hi Everyone:

I’m new at this so please bear with me. I would like to know if anyone knows the name of saints that are patron saints for the unemployed? I am going for an interview this coming Monday and really would like a saint that I can pray to to help me have confidence in myself and calm me down. I have been looking actively for the past 4 months without success. I really need a job and am getting desperate. I pray to Jesus after the interview — Jesus I trust in you and I do trust in Him but I just can’t figure it out. The interviews go real well but they don’t call me back. If anyone can help me and please pray for me I would appreciate it.

St. Joseph
St. James the Greater
St. John Bosco

Technically they are saints of work and labor rather than unemployment.

I’m going to put this idea out there (as I am also in the same boat as you)…

Perhaps if you tell Jesus that you trust in him, then you should, fully. I know you are having a hard time, and asking a saint to pray for you is never wrong, but Christ told the man to sell everything he had (and the man did it). Sometimes when we say we have complete trust, we need to show this somehow.

It is the works (sanctification) that make our faith worthy of filtering grace upon ourselves.

I will pray for you.
God bless and much love in Christ.

Thank you for the advice. I know that I say I do trust in Jesus buttttttt I worry so much about not having a job and how I will pay my bills. So your right just trust in Jesus and He will provide for me.

The interview I have on Monday if He wants me to have that job I will get it if not, I will keep looking.

Thank you,


I’m also without work and having a hard time finding it, but I believe God has a plan for me. So while I continue to look and feel more and more down on myself, I try to smile and remember that eventhough things looks bad, they will always get better. I had an interview this past thursday that went really well, so please pray for me that I may get the job.

I will pray for you instead of for myself tonight. I believe Jesus would have me ask for another before myself.

I find it inspiring that you and I are in the same boat and that we are both going to get through this. I know we will, I have faith in Christ to see us through.

I love you dearly in Christ.
Pax Christi.
I found it very helpful to pray to St. Joseph, who I believe understands what it’s like to have to support a family.
Of course Our Lord too.
I’ll be praying for PMZ and everyone on the forum who needs work. I hope your interview goes well. God has a plan for your life, to give you a future and a hope. If you don’t get a certain job, it’s because He has something better in mind.
Saint Cayetano** is the patron saint of job seekers and the unemployed.**

St. Anne (Mary’s mom) against poverty, for homemakers/housewives, and for things that are lost (like a job).

St. Anthony of Padua against starvation and of lost things.

Antony of Pavoni for lost things.

St. Denis against frenzy and against strife.

Daniel of Padua for women whose husbands are at war and lost things.

Phanurius for desperate causes, forgotten causes, impossible causes, lost articles, and lost causes.

St. Vincent de Paul for lost things and spiritual help and charities.

St. Expeditus against procrastination, for expeditious solutions, for prompt solutions.

St. Homobonus for business men.

St. Margaret Clitherow for business women.

St. Joseph for workers.
homeless people
Benedict Joseph Labre
Elizabeth of Hungary
Margaret of Cortona

Benedict Joseph Labre
Elizabeth of Hungary
Martin of Tours

people in doubt
Thomas the Apostle

desperate, forgotten, impossible or lost causes or situations
Jude Thaddeus
Gregory Thaumaturgus
Rita of Cascia

Frances Xavier Cabrini

against depression
Benedict Joseph Labre
Christina the Astonishing
Eustochium of Padua
Margaret of Cortona
Maria Fortunata Viti
Romanus of Condat

Another idea is to look up the patron saint of your profession and pray to him or her. Or if your area has been hit by a downturn in the economy or other hardship, you could find the patron saint over your geographic location.
Hi Everyone:

The names of saints for certain professions really helped to calm my nervousness at my interview. I also heard on my Catholic radio station that I should pray to Jesus this prayer: “I want for myself what Jesus wants for me.” and that helped me. I went for my interview this Monday morning and I thought it went quite well however when I got home I remembered a typing (mispelled word) that I overlooked on the typing test. I was depressed but then I went on my site and from my e-mails I was encouraged again. StCurious I will pray for you also, and thank you so much for praying for me, that really touched me. ForestPines thank you for all of the saints names. I will let everyone know if I got the job. StCurious let me know if you got yours too.

Thank again,

I was in the same situation 12 years ago and all I could find was work on the 11pm to 7am shift. I did not want to work nights but I had to get a job-fast. Well, I am still on that shift and I really like it. I never would have applied for that shift, but it was the best thing to happen to me. Be realistic about your job request-don’t apply for the president’s spot unless you have the qualifications and don’t just do it for the pay either. Do the possible and let God do the possible.

I’ll be praying for you too, God Bless you and keep you.

I got a call today that I got the job I interviewed for! I’m so thankful because I know that it is a result of much prayer, penance, and trust in God. Not to mention the talent God has given me to glorify him with.

I’m continuing to pray for you, and devoted much of Holy Hour on Sunday for you.

God Bless you.

How wonderful for you. I prayed for you this morning at Mass and everyone in the forum.

You know if I do not get this job (and it does seem like it is a good job) it doesn’t seem as important to me as it did before. I know the prayer did help and I will keep looking. As one of the posts said “God has a plan for me.” So good luck on that new job and I will be praying for you.


Thank you for your kind words and let me suggest something to you, as I have prayed for it many a time and believe it is a large part of the reason I found work…

Ask God the Holy Spirit to fill the room of your interview, to fill you and those you are interviewing with. Ask the Holy Spirit to do this in order to give them every opportunity to see how wonderful and how much of an asset you can be.

As we know pmz, the Holy Spirit can move just about anyone. It has moved me, as I pray it does every day of my life on earth. I’ll pray for you.

Dominus Vobiscum
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