There has been considerable deabte over the last month in a half about “Outside the Church there is no Salvation” and Protestanism. My point has always been that Protestants have an absolute obligation to enter the Church or risk going to hell. Yes, the invincibly ignorant Protestant who seeks to follow God to the best of his ability can be saved. Since we dont know who is invicibly ignorant we should seek to convert all Protestants. The council of Trent condemned Protestanism as a heresy and we should recognize it as such. The catechism uses “nicer” language, but still does not exclude Protestants’ obligation of entering the Catholic Church. What does this have to do with Pat Madrid and catholic Answers?? In the 90’s Pat, when he was V.P. of Catholic Answers, debated James White on Sola Scriptura. At the end of the debate Pat stated to the Protestants in the audience, “…MANY OF YOU RUN THE RISK OF GOING TO HELL FOR NOT ENTERING THE CATHOLIC CHRUCH…” If he was wrong then I am quite sure that Karl Keating, James Akin, an even Pat himself would have issued a correction or retraction. NOne was given because his statement was correct and consistent with Church teaching. I hope catholics remember that protestants need to be converted and apologetics is not just an intellectual exercise.