**I am curious about the controversy: Outside the Church there is No Salvation. **
Protestants believe that Catholics can be saved that believe in Jesus. Now, what about Catholics?
I read in Dr. Drummey’s book: Catholic Replies (pg. 99-100). That the dogma in question can be held in a strict interpetation or a liberal one – which is it?
This was a letter that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued in regard to the Fr. Feeney dilemma in the late 1980’s.
**Also, I read that a book similar to Fr. Feeney’s called: **
The Catholic Dogma, by Fr. Michael Muller C.SS.R. was approved by the Redemptorists and that this priest was in good standing and rejected the notion that Protestants can be saved either in vincible or invincible ignorance.
What are your thoughts?
Thank you!
Protestants believe that Catholics can be saved that believe in Jesus. Now, what about Catholics?
I read in Dr. Drummey’s book: Catholic Replies (pg. 99-100). That the dogma in question can be held in a strict interpetation or a liberal one – which is it?
This was a letter that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued in regard to the Fr. Feeney dilemma in the late 1980’s.
**Also, I read that a book similar to Fr. Feeney’s called: **
The Catholic Dogma, by Fr. Michael Muller C.SS.R. was approved by the Redemptorists and that this priest was in good standing and rejected the notion that Protestants can be saved either in vincible or invincible ignorance.
What are your thoughts?
Thank you!