I am a devout Catholic but am having a hard time understanding the Church’s position on salvation for non-Christians. Apparently it says that they have the chance of slavation if it is “through no fault of their own,” if I’m correct. Now, let’s define “through no fault of their own.” Wouldn’t that mean if they’ve never heard of Christianity? Like if they’re living in some third-world country and have never been taught about it or anything? That I can understand. But lets say that someone od born into a Jewish or Muslim family and is raised as a devout Jew or Mulsim. Am I to understand that they go to heaven? I was always under the impression that if you’re not a Christian, you go to hell. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that what Jesus said? “No one comes tot he Father but through Me,” “I am the way, the light, and the truth,” “Whoseoevr believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Everything in the Bible seems to point to you going to hell if you’re not Christian, and that is why we must go out and evagleise. But I was very surprised when I heard about this doctrine. Did I hear wrong or something? Somebody please clear this up for me. Thank you and God bless.