in most of the textbook series approved by the bishops for conformity with the CCC, the OT is presented in 6th grade with emphasis on key events and players in salvation history. 7th grade presents the Gospels, life of Christ, and 8th Grade the Church and Church history.
Creation, our first parents, the fall and sin is presented in 1st and 2nd grade as part of preparation for first confession, and the emphasis is on God’s covenant with mankind, a God who keeps His promises, with the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Moses, and the 10 commandments. 2nd grade focuses on the Eucharist and sacraments of initiation, and the reality of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. 3rd grade presents the marks of the Church and fuller deveopment of the Mass, and begins presentation of the Creed. 4th grade focuses on morality, commandments and beatitudes, 5th on fuller treatment of the Sacraments.