Salvation History, +Jesus+ The Eternal Word and Eschatolgy

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Fact: Jesus Christ is the Eternal Word
Fact two: St. Matthew’s Gospel show the Salvific Plan of God especially in light of the old covenant through the new covenent Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Certain definate paralells can be seen in the salvation history of the people of Israel and in that of Our Lord.
Fact three: The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ.
Now my question: with the above in mind would not there be definate similarities in the Mystical Body of Christ (of course over a much larger period of time) and that of Our Lord and would that further apply to eschatology?? So, with that in mind to better understand the Church and St. John’s book of Revelations would we only need (under the truth revealed through the Magestrium and Sacred Scripture) at the life and passion of Our Lord?? Am I off base here?? :confused:
No, I don’t think the passion accounts are enough.

We find in the Gospels Jesus’ teachings and ministry of proclaiming the Kingdom of God over what could be a three year period (John’s Gospel, if you take into account the various feast Jesus celebrated would add up to about 3 years. The other Gospels have a shorter time span). I think the lessons taught during this ministry of Christ are necessary in order to understand the full meaning of the Passion and its meaning for us as Christians.

Also, if you stick solely to the Passion, I think you can fall into the error, as some have, that that is the be all and end all for the followers of Christ. Christ did all the word, we just have to say we believe and that’s it. In all for Gospels, Jesus is very specific and adament about what He expects His followers Faith Response to be, but how can you know this if you have limited your studies to only the Passion Narratives. Also, the Letters are essential in knowing about this Faith Response, remember, God’s revelation permeates the entire Bible, not just a few passages.

Building on that, God uses the entire Bible to reveal Himself to us, He must have had a purpose for doing that, No?

You talked about the eschatology and our understanding that come from the Book of Reveltions. In my opinion, the study of the final things is better understood say in such passages as Matthew 25, or the Beatitudes and all the parables found in Matthew on the meaning of the Kingdom of God and our response to this central message of Jesus.
Praised be Jesus Christ!
I agree with you compleatly that a over analogous view of Our Lord’s Passion and life (I say that meaning from the Incarnation through the Resurection). I agree we have only to look at the words of Our Blessed Lord Himself in the proclaimation of the Kingdom and in other places. I agree also that when Scripture is viewed outside of solid Magesterial teaching or if we try to over simplify or even overly complicate things we can easily fall into error. That is something I desperatly do not wish to do. I was not just thinking of the Passion accounts but trying to grasp the entire picture in my limited understanding.
What I thought of was simply the Easter Vigil Mass and how Our Merciful God worked through human history. I finished reading again Desmond Birch’s wonderful book which is very solid and that I think combined with other readings of Sacred Scripture and the Father’s of the Church made my mind work a bit over time.
For me, the most important thing to keep in mind is God’s Mercy and Love. The obvious clearest example of that is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity - the Divine Mercy Incarnate Our Lord Jesus Christ.
I do think that there are stricking simiarites in the (pardon me for lack of a better phrase) earthly life (post Incarnation) of Our Lord and the life of the Mystical Body of Christ. I am not saying that the Eternal Salvific Redemtion of mankind would even compare to the salvific work and even suffering of the Bride of Christ. I do think (uneducatedly and in need of further Truth which comes from proper Magesterial teaching and with the assistance of you dear friends)- that looking at it from a large perspective it is ‘interesting’ how when we compare the life of the Church over the centuries there are ‘similarites’ to that of Our Lord. Not an anyway what so ever to diminish the Glory of God- I would become a heritic or apostate (not sure of which one) to suggest such a thing. To put it in more clear and concise terms the servant mimics (in a postitive way) the Master- in this case the King of Kings- God Almighty. The servant can not be better than God - no one can. But a good slave/ servant can become a little Christ to point the way to God Himself. Did any of that make any sence?? :confused:
I think I was to say just ‘look at Our Lord’s Passion as a indicator of eschetelogical times (sorry spelling is not a forte’ ) would be erronious but to look through the lens of solid teaching and all of Sacred Scripture at the entire life of Our Lord Jesus Christ who is the Eternal Word of the Father. That in a basic and broad context that the passion of the Church, and the apostasy (deception/ betrayal of both Her and God) by who ever commits such acts in the future would not the servant mimic the Master?? Is it wrong to say that- :eek: I don’t know I am sorry I am just a convert and trying to learn so feel free to correct me or ask futher questions. Please forgive me if I did not ask the question properly or if I did say something that is erronious I do not want to do that and certainly do not ever want to fall into error or lead anyone into error.
Thanks for your thoughts and continuing to help out this confused and ignorant carmelite and convert. If you have some ideas for reading for me then please open my eyes a bit- I would enjoy any ideas. 😃
4carmel, if you haven’t already read it, I think “Introduction to Christianity” by our Pope, written as Cardinal Ratizenger is a must. In fact my suggestion is that it should be your next read.
Thanks, I will go out and get it- hopefully today! Along this same thread of discussion do you (or anyone) recomened the courses taught through the Marian Catachists program which Archbishop Burke (??) is over using some of the materials by the late Fr. Hardon, SJ?? I have been through the Summa once- one could spend a lifetime on all that is there to really get in depth but I have a hunger for more.
I have found that the times of light which come during contemplation have to be explored in solid teaching so that I can really understand what Our Lord is telling me (either in Lectio or in contemplative prayer). Unfortunatly expression the thoughts into words, as seen in the last couple postings on this thread, is difficult until I have a better solid theological base of knowledge and education.
You have been very gracious though. Thanks! I do wish there were solid catachists and theologians near me that I could pick their minds a bit but that is for another thread.
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