Same-sex partners married in Canada qualify for NY pension - should taxpayers pay?

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Same-sex partners married in Canada qualify for NY pension
%between% ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) – State Comptroller Alan Hevesi says full benefits of the state’s public employee pension fund should be extended to a same-sex partner of a public employee if the couple has been married in Canada.

Hevesi says he made his decision based on New York court rulings and a March 2004 opinion by state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer. Hevesi says the decision was not influenced by his personal support for same-sex marriages.

Should taxpayers pay for this?
buffalo said:
Same-sex partners married in Canada qualify for NY pension
%between% ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) – State Comptroller Alan Hevesi says full benefits of the state’s public employee pension fund should be extended to a same-sex partner of a public employee if the couple has been married in Canada.

Hevesi says he made his decision based on New York court rulings and a March 2004 opinion by state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer. **Hevesi says the decision was not influenced by his personal support for same-sex marriages. **

They shouldn’t pay in NY or anywhere else in the world - it’s just wrong.
They shouldn’t pay in NY or anywhere else in the world - it’s just wrong.
Podo the Hobbit:blessyou:
Survey says…Oh! So sorry homosexual newlyweds! NY shouldn’t pay your pensionsa. But thanks for playing!
Sure, this behaviour is wrong, immoral and totally unChristian, but are pensions only to be given Christians?

“What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?” God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked man from among you.”
1 Corinthians 5:12-13.

They came to him and said, “Teacher… Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay or shouldn’t we?”
But Jesus knew their hypocrisy. “Why are you trying to trap me?” he asked. “Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.” They brought the coin, and he asked them, “Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?”
“Caesar’s,” they replied.
Then Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”
And they were amazed at him.

Mark 12:14-17
Those fine liberals against gay marriage ban amendment said a constitutional amendment is not necessary because states don’t have to honor each others’ marriages. Why, then, do states have to honor foreign marriages?

I’m confused. Where did the monies for this pension come from? If they came from personal contributions into a pension fund, then, yes, the state must pay the pension. It is not the state’s place to tell people what to do with their own funds set aside for pension.

Is the pension funded entirely by taxes? If so, did the person who owns the pension pay these taxes as well? Then I still lean toward yes.

My pension, once I receive it, is mine. I ought to be entitled to leave that pension to whomever I want, be it a spouse, a child, a sibling, a friend, a charitable institution, et cetera.

Beyond this, however, it is ridiculous for the state of New York to say it will honor a gay marriage contracted in a foreign nation since such marriages are contrary to U.S. federal law.

– Mark L. Chance.
Now I know I am glad I did not get that job near Binghamton.

I am just wondering how long it will be (and where) before some lawsuit is filed against the Catholic Church for refusal to allow a gay couple to marry in a church.

Tax payers should definitely not have to pay the bill! Question for those of you that voted that the State should pay, I am wondering why you think so?
If they qualify, they qualify. I don’t understand the issue here. Who should pay when a person qualifies for a state pension? The state. I.e., the taxpayers.

Do you want to further limit those who qualify to a smaller group? Fine. Change the law.

But as this poll is worded, to answer “no” suggests either a serious lack of logic, or a Clintonesque definition of the word “qualify”.
I am not opposed to paying this person the pension that he has earned, I just don’t think that any survivors benefits should be paid to his male spouse, and especially at taxpayer’s expense. so before you question my intelligence or reasoning, just think about what you are saying. My dad always said “just remenber, when you point your finger at someone there are four of them pointing back at you”

Think about that before you go off on people like me that also try to live and defend their faith!
Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s.

Just because they were married in Canada doesn’t make the marriage invalid everywhere else. I was married in Canada, if I were to move to the states, does this mean I am no longer married…no. If taxpayers are willing to pay for pensions to heterosexual couples, then human rights says that they should pay for homosexuals as well. You may not like it, you may not agree, but Jesus said in the bible that even though you don’t like the person to whom your money is going, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay it.

Like I said… Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s.
Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s.

Just because they were married in Canada doesn’t make the marriage invalid everywhere else. I was married in Canada, if I were to move to the states, does this mean I am no longer married…no. If taxpayers are willing to pay for pensions to heterosexual couples, then human rights says that they should pay for homosexuals as well. You may not like it, you may not agree, but Jesus said in the bible that even though you don’t like the person to whom your money is going, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay it.

Like I said… Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s.
If taxpayers are willing to pay for pensions to heterosexual couples, then human rights says that they should pay for homosexuals as well.
First off, pensions are not paid by taxpayers.

Human rights are extended to any citizen of the US. However, marriage is the union of one man and one women. The issue is marriage and the family. Pension benefits are meant for the pensionee and perhaps his survivors. Homosexuals do not consitute a family unit. It is not a human rights issue at all.
Technically it is, if they are legally married, which they are because it is now legal in Canada. I don’t agree with homosexual marriage at all, but if they are married then the spouse is entitled.

If taxpayers don’t pay for pensions, then why is this an issue at all? If they want the taxpayers to pay their pension because they are gay, than I don’t agree. If it were regular practice for taxpayers to pay itno anyones pension, then yes, they should. I’m not well-informed about what americans pay for and what they don’t when it comes to taxes. I apologize.
Technically it is, if they are legally married, which they are because it is now legal in Canada. I don’t agree with homosexual marriage at all, but if they are married then the spouse is entitled.

If taxpayers don’t pay for pensions, then why is this an issue at all? If they want the taxpayers to pay their pension because they are gay, than I don’t agree. If it were regular practice for taxpayers to pay itno anyones pension, then yes, they should. I’m not well-informed about what americans pay for and what they don’t when it comes to taxes. I apologize.
Since we are sovereign nations what is legal and recognized in Canada does not have to be recognized in the US.
So again I ask, if I was married in Canada and moved to the states, does this make my marriage invalid in the states?
So again I ask, if I was married in Canada and moved to the states, does this make my marriage invalid in the states?
I believe that since the common point is that you are married (as defined between one man and one woman) it is recognized. 37 states have laws that define marriage between one man and one woman. If you have a same sex marriage in a state that recognizes it and you move to a state that doesn’t recognize it you then are not legally married in that state.
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