Same-sex unions and worker's rights

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Hi. I don’t know whether this is the right forum on which to post this (and I apologise in advance if it isn’t), but in Australian politics at this moment, we have two parties: One which was founded upon protecting workers’ rights and strong union movements, but which has recently been infiltrated by the new “Left-wing thinking” (i.e. Federal Election promises to instate Same-Sex Marriage within the first hundred days of formation of government [so if they’re elected because workers are fed up with things such as penalty rates being taken away, they’ll think they have a mandate to carry on with Same-Sex Marriage within a hundred days]), and on the other side of the political spectrum, we have a political party that is for conservative Christian values, but has a proven track-record of eroding worker’s rights and only pandering to “the big end of town” (ie. mining magnates, and such-like).

My question is, really, which is the “lesser evil”?? For whom do we vote when the election comes around? I try to vote for the party which has Christian values in mind, but I have qualms about that else they do when in power (see above).

Thanks for your opinions.
Hi. I don’t know whether this is the right forum on which to post this (and I apologise in advance if it isn’t), but in Australian politics at this moment, we have two parties: One which was founded upon protecting workers’ rights and strong union movements, but which has recently been infiltrated by the new “Left-wing thinking” (i.e. Federal Election promises to instate Same-Sex Marriage within the first hundred days of formation of government [so if they’re elected because workers are fed up with things such as penalty rates being taken away, they’ll think they have a mandate to carry on with Same-Sex Marriage within a hundred days]), and on the other side of the political spectrum, we have a political party that is for conservative Christian values, but has a proven track-record of eroding worker’s rights and only pandering to “the big end of town” (ie. mining magnates, and such-like).

My question is, really, which is the “lesser evil”?? For whom do we vote when the election comes around? I try to vote for the party which has Christian values in mind, but I have qualms about that else they do when in power (see above).

Thanks for your opinions.
Marriage is the building block of society and is the greater moral. Of that there is no, repeat, NO question.

If your country gets rid of traditional marriage, as Prager notes “it will make gender irrelevant”. Then you start having bakeries get sued and pedophiles wanting to share changing rooms with teenage girls. And the expectation will be for you and everyone else to automatically accept all of that. They will of course be targeting Catholics over this while allowing religious and philosophies like Islam a free pass.

Also, I’m extremely skeptical about conservative Christians eroding worker’s rights. A lot of that is is whining because they want an entitlement from the government.
Marriage is the building block of society and is the greater moral. Of that there is no, repeat, NO question.

If your country gets rid of traditional marriage, as Prager notes “it will make gender irrelevant”. Then you start having bakeries get sued and pedophiles wanting to share changing rooms with teenage girls. And the expectation will be for you and everyone else to automatically accept all of that. They will of course be targeting Catholics over this while allowing religious and philosophies like Islam a free pass.

Also, I’m extremely skeptical about conservative Christians eroding worker’s rights. A lot of that is is whining because they want an entitlement from the government.
What about adhering to Catholic Social Teaching principles? The duty of government? We had a Catholic Prime Minister a few years ago (who I voted for, due to the fact he was a Catholic), who then abandoned his principles for the principles of party politics. When his former Jesuit school wrote to him asking why he had done so, he replied that he “doesn’t bring his faith into parliament”. I thought that a person’s Christian beliefs should define their whole character, and that a person shouldn’t just abandon them to serve Mamon.

I don’t disagree about the threats of Islamic philosophy and “gender theory”. They started teaching “gender theory” in our school-system until recently, when saner heads prevailed.

Two of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching are the dignity of the human person and the dignity of work and of the rights of workers. Marriage could be classed under “dignity of the human person”. The homosexuals shout “what about OUR dignity”? Well, according to the Catechism, they can be dignified by remaining chaste. We must show our solidarity (which is also a principle of Catholic Social Teaching) with homosexuals, by showing them how they can live with dignity as single men and women.
What about adhering to Catholic Social Teaching principles? The duty of government? We had a Catholic Prime Minister a few years ago (who I voted for, due to the fact he was a Catholic), who then abandoned his principles for the principles of party politics. When his former Jesuit school wrote to him asking why he had done so, he replied that he “doesn’t bring his faith into parliament”. I thought that a person’s Christian beliefs should define their whole character, and that a person shouldn’t just abandon them to serve Mamon.

I don’t disagree about the threats of Islamic philosophy and “gender theory”. They started teaching “gender theory” in our school-system until recently, when saner heads prevailed.

Two of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching are the dignity of the human person and the dignity of work and of the rights of workers. Marriage could be classed under “dignity of the human person”. The homosexuals shout “what about OUR dignity”? Well, according to the Catechism, they can be dignified by remaining chaste. We must show our solidarity (which is also a principle of Catholic Social Teaching) with homosexuals, by showing them how they can live with dignity as single men and women.
You’re right, especially with the last sentence. This focus on sexual identity or gender identity is an attack against common sense, which is not so common in the West, at least when one sees and hears how heavily the media supports alternative lifestyles.

"5. Faced with the fact of homosexual unions, civil authorities adopt different positions. At times they simply tolerate the phenomenon; at other times they advocate legal recognition of such unions, under the pretext of avoiding, with regard to certain rights, discrimination against persons who live with someone of the same sex. In other cases, they favour giving homosexual unions legal equivalence to marriage properly so-called, along with the legal possibility of adopting children.

"Where the government’s policy is de facto tolerance and there is no explicit legal recognition of homosexual unions, it is necessary to distinguish carefully the various aspects of the problem. Moral conscience requires that, in every occasion, Christians give witness to the whole moral truth, which is contradicted both by approval of homosexual acts and unjust discrimination against homosexual persons. Therefore, discreet and prudent actions can be effective; these might involve: unmasking the way in which such tolerance might be exploited or used in the service of ideology; stating clearly the immoral nature of these unions; reminding the government of the need to contain the phenomenon within certain limits so as to safeguard public morality and, above all, to avoid exposing young people to erroneous ideas about sexuality and marriage that would deprive them of their necessary defences and contribute to the spread of the phenomenon. Those who would move from tolerance to the legitimization of specific rights for cohabiting homosexual persons need to be reminded that the approval or legalization of evil is something far different from the toleration of evil.

“In those situations where homosexual unions have been legally recognized or have been given the legal status and rights belonging to marriage, clear and emphatic opposition is a duty. One must refrain from any kind of formal cooperation in the enactment or application of such gravely unjust laws and, as far as possible, from material cooperation on the level of their application. In this area, everyone can exercise the right to conscientious objection.”

Full document:

As far as worker’s rights, I know little in this case.

Hi. I don’t know whether this is the right forum on which to post this (and I apologise in advance if it isn’t), but in Australian politics at this moment, we have two parties: One which was founded upon protecting workers’ rights and strong union movements, but which has recently been infiltrated by the new “Left-wing thinking” (i.e. Federal Election promises to instate Same-Sex Marriage within the first hundred days of formation of government [so if they’re elected because workers are fed up with things such as penalty rates being taken away, they’ll think they have a mandate to carry on with Same-Sex Marriage within a hundred days]), and on the other side of the political spectrum, we have a political party that is for conservative Christian values, but has a proven track-record of eroding worker’s rights and only pandering to “the big end of town” (ie. mining magnates, and such-like).

My question is, really, which is the “lesser evil”?? For whom do we vote when the election comes around? I try to vote for the party which has Christian values in mind, but I have qualms about that else they do when in power (see above).

Thanks for your opinions.
Don’t assume Christian values is the preserve of either the political (so-called) left or right.
your country gets rid of traditional marriage
This sentence makes no sense. Your traditional marriage is going nowhere.My and millions other people desire to get married, have children etc is not affected by gay couples getting married in the slightest. If yours are then there is something wrong on your end. Fix it and don’t blame others for your flaws.
“pedophiles wanting to share changing rooms with teenage girls”
“favour giving homosexual unions legal equivalence to marriage properly so-called, along with the legal possibility of adopting children.”
Children of gay people shouldn’t have a social protection?
“he immoral nature of these unions”
Hilarious when we know what your God did in the Bible and what Christians were doing for more than thousand years.Honestly, you have zero right to talk about morality when it comes to gay people. Zero. Considering the atrocious crimes against humanity committed by Judeo-Christian God(see Bible) and by Christians(see history) in regard to gays.
“legalization of evil”
Evil? Mass murder is evil. Genocide is evil. Tearing little children apart is evil. Ripping pregnant women’s wombs open coz their tribes didn’t want to worship you is evil. Persecuting and executing and torturing who believed differently and gay people is evil. All this your God did. And Christians did.

I mean, you lot deciding what rights and freedoms should be taken away from gay people is the same as Schutzstaffel members deciding what rights and freedoms should be granted to Jews. Absolutely the same considering your religion’s history in regard to homosexuals.

Evil? Please…

The good thing is that using this sort of “arguments” and language will make you lose for good.
Hi. I don’t know whether this is the right forum on which to post this (and I apologise in advance if it isn’t), but in Australian politics at this moment, we have two parties: One which was founded upon protecting workers’ rights and strong union movements, but which has recently been infiltrated by the new “Left-wing thinking” (i.e. Federal Election promises to instate Same-Sex Marriage within the first hundred days of formation of government [so if they’re elected because workers are fed up with things such as penalty rates being taken away, they’ll think they have a mandate to carry on with Same-Sex Marriage within a hundred days]), and on the other side of the political spectrum, we have a political party that is for conservative Christian values, but has a proven track-record of eroding worker’s rights and only pandering to “the big end of town” (ie. mining magnates, and such-like).

My question is, really, which is the “lesser evil”?? For whom do we vote when the election comes around? I try to vote for the party which has Christian values in mind, but I have qualms about that else they do when in power (see above).

Thanks for your opinions.
All political parties pander to the wealthy industrialists and the politically connected. For instance in the US the corporations and union leaders didn’t get poorer or less powerful under Democrat control. Given the choice presented I’d definitely not vote for a party that promised same sex ‘marriage’.
Hi. I don’t know whether this is the right forum on which to post this (and I apologise in advance if it isn’t), but in Australian politics at this moment, we have two parties: One which was founded upon protecting workers’ rights and strong union movements, but which has recently been infiltrated by the new “Left-wing thinking” (i.e. Federal Election promises to instate Same-Sex Marriage within the first hundred days of formation of government [so if they’re elected because workers are fed up with things such as penalty rates being taken away, they’ll think they have a mandate to carry on with Same-Sex Marriage within a hundred days]), and on the other side of the political spectrum, we have a political party that is for conservative Christian values, but has a proven track-record of eroding worker’s rights and only pandering to “the big end of town” (ie. mining magnates, and such-like).

My question is, really, which is the “lesser evil”?? For whom do we vote when the election comes around? I try to vote for the party which has Christian values in mind, but I have qualms about that else they do when in power (see above).

Thanks for your opinions.
Sorry to hear that you have to vote for a lesser of two evils.

That’s hard for me to imagine as I live in America. 😉 :cool:
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