San Diego News Notes

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Hard-hitting, always relevant San Diego News Notes (SDNN) is a lay Catholic paper put out by local media baron Jim Holman under an association called Concerned Citizens for Life (sister publications include Los Angeles Lay Catholic Mission, San Francisco Faith, and La Cruz de California).

If it is happening in San Diego’s Catholic world, and it is the least big controversial, it’ll be FIRST in SDNN: Megan’s Law violators staffing the Gay Pride doings, local “Catholic” university housing “ordained” women priests, or VIVID testimonials from employees of local abortion mills, IT IS ALL HERE.

Popular sections include Roamin’ Catholic, where a dude hops parish to parish, telling of the wild world that IS San Diego’s brand of The One True Faith, AND Confessions written by cross-over author Mathew Lickona (he writes the column under another name) who also wrote the VERY popular, Swimming with Scapulars.

Love it or hate it?
I love SD News Notes! 👍 It’s a great newspaper, with so much great info! They had a wonderful article quite a while ago about Catholic Answers apologist Rosalind Moss. It was also from SD News Notes, that I found out about USD’s support of the homosexual lifestyle, and USD is supposed to be a *Catholic *university! :eek: I’m glad I found that out though, because I used to be interested in applying to USD.
While I’m often happy with the fact that NEWS NOTES and other Jim Holman publications expose some of the scandals in the diocese, I do have some major issues with him and it:

1). Jim Holman owns and has complete control over THE SAN DIEGO READER. THE READER, in my opinion, clearly promotes the culture of death rather than the culture of life. Those of you who live in San Diego, pick up a copy sometime. There are DOZENS of graphic advertisements for breast implants, articles the graphically depict “alternative lifestyles”, pagan rock bands, and many other very secular items. I usually can’t go through an issue of THE READER without getting a sick feeling in my stomach.

2). Ever notice how when NEWS NOTES comes out, there are literally thousands of paper copies of it all over the county? I don’t know if this is true of his other publications in other cities, but I assume so. This must be very expensive-Jim must fund this through the money he makes from all those pagan advertisements from THE READER

3). Most importantly, I have a problem with how uncharitable many of the articles in NEWS NOTES are, which begs the question-is NEWS NOTES trying to reach a good ends by an evil means? I’ve even talked to several of the preists that NEWS NOTES praises, and many agree with me that their methods are often very uncharitable.

Jesus warned about Phairasees going to hell a lot faster than prostitutes
pagan rock bands, and many other very secular items. I usually can’t go through an issue of THE READER without getting a sick feeling in my stomach.
Not only pagan rock bands, but satanic ones as well! I noticed that two members of the Catholic Answers staff (Tim Ryland and Franklin Wahl) sometimes write for News Notes
Yeah, I think Holman connection is worth discussing.

I agree the READER publishes some mixed content, but, and I don’t mean to piddle paddle too much here, who in whatever line of work DOESN’T run into objectionable goings-on?

On the flip-side, many, many, many wealthy or well-to-do Catholics sit on their hands, doing NOTHING, and hold investments that would make you puke. They’re getting rich AND doing nothing.

Mother Teresa took dough from the Keating Five (no relation to Catholic Answers) … money which was STOLEN from working families. Should SHE have given it back (she was asked by the families, and she said, essentially, NO)?

Jim’s paper(s) fill a Grand Canyon gap in Catholic media. If you read diocese-run rags, they’re the LAST to take faithful stands. They’re too busy running stories about blessing your kitty and reviewing Harry Potter movies.

I also think Catholic Answers (CA) owes MUCH of its life to Mr. Holman – no small matter, that.

SDNN goes toe to toe with the knuckleheads who’re taking the Church down a wrong, pitiful road.

It’s much easier to attack HIM rather than dealing with the issues his paper(s) raise.

Should we be uncharitable when speaking about horrors? Perhaps. Christ wasn’t all bunnies and tofu neither: remember the “vipers” line? Our Risen Lord spoke in language quite offensive for the times (and it’s not exactly welcomed in our age).
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