Satanic music

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i’ve searched on this forum and the net for some basic background info on satanic music but haven’t found what i was looking for-:banghead:
what constitutes satanic music?
does it have to do with the lyrics, the music, the artists being satanists, or something else?
is it true that tricks like masking the satanic chants and words or playing them backwards are used?
which are the satanic bands out there?
how does listening to such music affect us spiritually? does it affect us unconsciously/subconscioiusly even if we don’t understand it or having understood it, reject the meaning?
is there a proper christian website dedicated to such music or such bands where we can know about the satanists?
on a more specific level, are instrumental bands like enigma or deep forest satanic? if so, what about them is satanic?

would be grateful for (name removed by moderator)ut on this topic!!!:bowdown2: :bowdown2:
god bless!!!:blessyou:
I know alot about that type of music unfortunately

I can name some really satanist metal bands (most of the satanist bands out there are metal) Old Man Child, Opeth, Cradle of Filth, pretty much anything in the Black Metal genre. European death/black metal bands are known for burning churches

Well if you are dealing with death metal then I guess bands could inject “chants” or whatever into their growls if you know what I mean. Its usually just the lyrics…music is music. In fact if you ever read the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, it says that demons hate music…so I think the music part is out.

I know I have listened to certain bands and it has affected my relationship with God. Thats all I can think of now
why on earth are you seeking out this garbage? don’t you realize that Satan is like God in one aspect, that if you seek him, he will find you? you better decide here and now Who it is you seek and direct all your efforts there, you cannot serve both God and non-God
I think satanic music would necessarily give some for of honor or praise to Satan, whether hidden or overt. The artists themselves being satanists does would not automatically make the music satanic. Art stands on its own merits, not the merits or lack thereof of the artist.
why on earth are you seeking out this garbage? don’t you realize that Satan is like God in one aspect, that if you seek him, he will find you? you better decide here and now Who it is you seek and direct all your efforts there, you cannot serve both God and non-God
I don’t think there is anything wrong with the basic strategy of “know thy enemy”.
why on earth are you seeking out this garbage? don’t you realize that Satan is like God in one aspect, that if you seek him, he will find you? you better decide here and now Who it is you seek and direct all your efforts there, you cannot serve both God and non-God
Doctor’s have to learn all they can about cancer before they can do battle against it. Be careful not learning about the enemy, as you may have to do battle with him at some point in your life.
i just listen to country and christian music myself.
but just pray to God …he will show u what music u need to listen too
including christian
Doctor’s have to learn all they can about cancer before they can do battle against it. Be careful not learning about the enemy, as you may have to do battle with him at some point in your life.
I stay away from black metal/death metal simply cause it isn’t very good. But I do like hardcore/alternative music. There seems to be a depth of words and music that other genres lack. I would think that if the lyrics are overtly against God or specifically say they love satan, then that would be satanic but it’s all a matter of opinion about the lyrical meanings…
what constitutes satanic music?
I would assume music praising Satan.
is it true that tricks like masking the satanic chants and words or playing them backwards are used?
I suppose it’s possible, but why make the effort when you can sing about Satan in the lyrics
how does listening to such music affect us spiritually?
It only does if you let it. If someone is strong enough in their faith, it shouldn’t matter. It’s just an excuse like violence in the media makes people commit violence. It’s the person’s fault, not the music, TV, movies, games, etc.
is there a proper christian website dedicated to such music or such bands where we can know about the satanists?
I’m not sure about bands, but it’s pretty easy to look up information about Satanism. Keep in mind, not all Satanist are anti-Christian or worship Satan as a deity. In fact the cults that do I believe are in the minority.
on a more specific level, are instrumental bands like enigma or deep forest satanic?
Nope, they are instrumental bands.
thank you all for the replies so far!!!👍 :clapping: :tiphat:

i’m still looking for more info on this stuff and would be grateful for any more replies:bowdown2:

also, any sites where one can learn about these?:confused:
why on earth are you seeking out this garbage? don’t you realize that Satan is like God in one aspect, that if you seek him, he will find you? you better decide here and now Who it is you seek and direct all your efforts there, you cannot serve both God and non-God
actually, for two reasons-
  1. the things around us affect us and i want to know what things affect my relationship with god and thus, stay away from them
  2. i’m deeply concerned about my friends too. they too have the same questions often and go different ways on the matter. if i can gain some knowledge and pass it on to them, it may help them make an informed choice
pax christus!!!
Music is a language of sorts even apart from lyrics. Two questions need to be asked: What message is the author trying to convey, and what message is the performer trying to convey?

Music is not just some sterile medium that has meaning only with the introduction of lyrics.
WE are a catholic band called Seven Sorrows. check us out, everything is free. Tell us what you think. God Bless

Check us out
Doctor’s have to learn all they can about cancer before they can do battle against it. Be careful not learning about the enemy, as you may have to do battle with him at some point in your life.
We do need to study for instance the writings of Communist writers to effectively refute their ideology. We need to study the techniques of non-Catholic polemicists in order to properly respond to their arguments. The same goes with music that are supposedly satanic. Besides, we do not need to like it in order to listen to it.

Gerry 🙂
We do need to study for instance the writings of Communist writers to effectively refute their ideology. We need to study the techniques of non-Catholic polemicists in order to properly respond to their arguments. The same goes with music that are supposedly satanic. Besides, we do not need to like it in order to listen to it.

Gerry 🙂
In our studying of evil things, we need to make sure that we spend more time studying those things which are good, lest we give those evil things too great a place in our lives.
Music is neutral, neither good or evil. Listen to what you want to listen to. Death metal artists aren’t true rockers anyway. They try to market their music to rebellious satanists. That’s not real music. Rock isn’t evil.
Here is an evil band, called GOATWHORE, I know about them because they were the joke of the week in another forum I post in. It’s very malcore, black metal.

Titles of their songs

Nocturnal Holocaust
Lair Of Nastrond
Desolate Path To Apocalyptic Ruin
The Beauty In Suffering
As The Reflection Slowly Fades
All The Sins
Satans’ Millennium
Upon This Deathbed Of Cold Fire
Invert The Virgin
Perversions Of The Ancient Goat
Into A Darker Sun
Under A Dark God
Commanding The Legions Of Hell
Graveyards And Dead Angels

Sacrament Of Emptiness and Despair
Vengeance Of Demonic Fury
Bloodguilt Eucharist
The Serpent That Enslaves What Is Worshiped
Chanting Bells Of Funeral Anguish
Sky Inferno
A Closure In Infinity
Invocation To The Obsidian Moon
As The Sun Turns To Ash
Fires Of The Judas Blood
The Black Art Of Deception
Baptized In A Storm Of Swords

Once again I want to make clear that i don’t listen to these guys. The thread just made me think of them, and a quick google gave me their song lyrics link.
In our studying of evil things, we need to make sure that we spend more time studying those things which are good, lest we give those evil things too great a place in our lives.
That may be true. Yet, there are times as well, when we need to understand evil in order to appreciate goodness.

Gerry 🙂
That may be true. Yet, there are times as well, when we need to understand evil in order to appreciate goodness.

Gerry 🙂
Seeing evil can lead us to appreciate goodness more, but it is never necessary to know evil in order to appreciate goodness.

Were Adam and Eve before the fall deprived of an appreciation for the goodness of God and Creation even though they had no knowledge of evil? Will we when we are in heaven need to be reminded of evil in order to appreciate every good thing in heaven? I think not.
Check in to Fr. John Corapi. Before he was converted back to the faith and became a priest, Corapi was working for all sorts of things that made him millions of dollars. One of which was recording labels, where he witnessed many bands who had satanic priests come in to say a black mass for their music.
Personally, I don’t have anything against hard metal, rock, etc…
I am a music major that appreciates many types of music, I just don’t like a few genres 😛
I do think it would be wise to check into bands that you think are questionable, just to see where they stand. When in doubt, pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance on what is good and bad for your ears to hear.
God Bless,

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