Satan's tactics

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Does the devil do try this tactic on people?:
To make one think they commited a mortal sin when they did not, in order to keep a person away from weekday mass and weekday eucharist. I think he does this to me because then I think since I’m in a state of mortal sin I might as well sin again, (sometimes when I think back to the sin I may or may not have commited it may have been a few days ago so then it’s hard to remember the details). I don’t want to go to mass and take communion if I shouldn’t . I then apply the 3 conditions required to commit a mortal sin and since it may have been days ago I can’t recall my acts at that time so I’m not sure if I sinned or not.
Dave –

Most definitely the devil uses this tactic! How do I know? – He has used it on me!!

It’s a form of scrupulosity, and priests are very familiar with it. I recommend discussing it with one regularly during confession. A “spiritual director”, or at least a priest you know and like, is crucial in overcoming habits of sin (vices).

You seem to imply knowledge of this sin is keeping you from mass!? NEVER let this happen, Dave! Regular assistance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and frequent reception of the sacraments is necessary to overcome sin and vices. I have frequently been tempted to do this, but I must remind myself of the awesome power and mystical nature of the mass. Would I have “missed” Christ’s crucifixion on Calvary? No Way! Well in a supernatural, sacramental, and mystical way, that is what happens on the altar whenever Holy Mass is said! Isn’t that an awesome and sublime gift of God? :bowdown: Remind yourself that.

You seem to have trouble remembering whether a sin was mortal or not. Why not keep track on a pad of paper or a text file on your computer? Whenever you sin, write down the sin, circumstances of the sin, date of occurrence, and whether it was mortal or not. Not only will this allow you to know whether you are in a state of mortal sin or not, but it will also allow you to analyze the habit of your sin and hopeful develop strategies no to commit it so regularly. Hey – you can even password protect it as a Microsoft Word file and give it some mundane-sounding name such as “butter recipes”.

Dave, don’t take any of this lightly! We’re in spiritual warfare – against “principalities and powers”! Put on the armor of Christ and fight for the glory of God and the Honor of Our Lady!

Good luck,

A friend of mine suffers from scrupulosity. He’s a very devout man (and the fiance of a devout woman).

I hope this doesn’t make you paranoid…but according to New Advent, the Catholic encyclopedia, Martin Luther suffered from scrupulosity (sp?), too. Stay in touch with a good priest and use him as a spiritual director. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! God bless you.

my Mother my Confidence,
Dear friend

Satan has tried every trick in the book with me and at times I have felt the real burden of him. If I dwell upon his many guises and tactics I am sure to become down-hearted, so I laugh at him sure in the Love of Christ Jesus!

The best medicine for satan is not to take his attacks seriously, laugh at him and anything that he attempts to try it on with you to lead you away from Jesus. The minute those thoughts of not going to be with Jesus at Mass occur, have a good hearty laugh at satan and say outloud, ‘you are no-one to keep me from Jesus.’ I say this often.

I laugh at satan often, I assure you he doesn’t like that and he doesn’t like to be mocked. Satan knows he is rendered powerless by Christ Jesus and he knows if you turn away from him laughing and smiling to your Lord Christ Jesus that you have slipped through satan’s fingers.

Be happy, laugh and be joyous, your salvation is promised as long as you stay in Christ Jesus, though we may sin, if we remain repentant and faithful to Christ Jesus the Kingdom of Heaven will begin on earth through our transformation in Christ Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven will be yours for all eternity.

Satan hates me, it’s a fact, because I am Christ Jesus’. He hates me all the more for laughing at him, still he can do nothing because I am Christ Jesus’. You are hated Dave by satan, so what, all the hate in the world can never conquer LOVE. Laugh at him and live in Love that is Christ Jesus.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Well said, Teresa, as usual.

Are you wearing a scapular, Dave? Do you pray the rosary often? The medal of St. Benedict is a great tool against the devil: if you don’t have one and there’s a Benedictine monastery around they’d probably be happy to give one to you

my Mother my Confidence,
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