Saying Grace at Thankgiving Dinner

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We take turns offering grace at the holidays. Would like something other than the usual prayers before eating.

Anyone have a nice grace for our family?
From Shorter Book of Blessings…Official blessings of the church…page 492 Thanksgiving blessing to be prayed with hands joined. (If not a priest or Deacon)

God most provident, we join all creation in raising to you a hymn of thanksgiving through Jesus Christ your son.
For generation upon generation peoples of this land have sung of your bounty; we too offer you praise for the rich harvest we have received at your hands. Bless us and this food which we share with grateful hearts. Continue to make our land fruitful and let our love for you be seen in our pursuit of peace and justice and in our generous response to those in need. Praise and glory to you, Lord God, now and for ever. AMEN

God bless you and your family,
Deacon Tony SFO

We take turns offering grace at the holidays. Would like something other than the usual prayers before eating.

Anyone have a nice grace for our family?
Here are several we like to use. The last one we say after the meal.

Father in Heaven,
We praise You for giving us Your Son
To be our Saviour and Lord.
Bless us all as we gather here today, (tonight)
And let us live happily in Your love.

Hear our prayer, loving Father,
For we ask this in Jesus’ Name.


“Without Thy presence, nought, O Lord, is sweet,
No pleasure to our lips can aught supply.
Whether 'tis wine we drink or food we eat,
Till Grace divine and Faith shall sanctify.”
By: Christian poet Prudentius 5th Century

Lord Jesus Christ, be Thou our guest,
and share the food which Thou hast blessed.

Before we eat this food, dear Lord,
we bow our heads to pray;
and for your blessings and your care
our humble thanks we say. Amen

Come Lord Jesus,
be our guest, and let
this food to us be blessed. Amen.

Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the friends we meet.
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you, God, for everything. Amen.

Gracious Giver of all good,
we thank you for rest and food;
Grant that all we do or say
may serve you joyfully today. Amen.

After Meals Blessing Prayer:
We give Thee thanks for all Thy benefits, O Almighty God, who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Since we often eat at noon and sometimes at six we pray the angelus instead of the traditional, grace before meals.
Psalm 67 “Harvest thanks and petition” all 8 verses

7 - The earth has yielded its harvest; God, our God blesses us

we use this at our retirement RV park since all, Christians and Jews, pray the psalms
Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your prayer from your heart. Here is an example of what Ill pray at thanksgiving table. Heavenly Father we have so much to be thankful for this day and I thank you so much now for bringing my family together safetly at this table to share this wonderful meal you have provided for us.I ask you Lord to Bless it and to take away an sickness or diseases from this food and our bodies. Bless the hands that have prepared it. May we have wonderful fellowship this day so that we may bring you Glory. We pray in Jesus name .Amen. Spontanious prayer is wonderful for it comes from the Heart of Gods Spirit. 👍

We take turns offering grace at the holidays. Would like something other than the usual prayers before eating.

Anyone have a nice grace for our family?
a mix to two oldies but goodies…

Oh God, whose only begotten Son by his life, death and resurrection has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life,
with that in mind, bless us oh Lord and these thy gifts…etc

i am not tired of time honored grace… 👍

We take turns offering grace at the holidays. Would like something other than the usual prayers before eating.

Anyone have a nice grace for our family?
From the Magnificat:
Loving Father,
We thank you for your countless blessings, especially for the gift of your Son, for the Church, for our faith and now for this meal.
Bless this food and the love that unites us. Keep us for ever grateful and generous in your service. We ask this through Christ or Lord.
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