you won’t get banned, and this is the right forum for your post. this is an issue every Catholic family must address. parents have no right to ignore anything that may impact the safety of their children, or that might undermine their faith. all dioceses have implemented criminal background checks for priests, all other employees, and all volunteers who come in contact with children. they have also set up mandatory orientations for those persons covering abuse prevention and recognition, and made them sign a code of ethics.
that’s great, but the programs most dioceses are using-VIRTUS, Protecting God’s People, has grave deficiencies. don’t rely on your “people knowledge”, many of the parents of victims thought the abuser priests were their friends, and their parishioners continued to defend them because they were so well-liked.
while you are protecting your children against potential abuse from church officials, watch out for their public school. a researcher for the NEA has found that in the NYC schools alone over 2 million children have been abused by school personnel over the last 30 eyars, by over 200,000 teachers, coaches, bus drivers, custodians etc. Fewer than 10percent of abusers received any disciplinary action at all, 90 percent retained their jobs, less than 2 percent were prosecuted and punished in the criminal justice system.
contrast this to 15,000 victims of less than 5,000 priests in this country over the last 40 years. as soon as I locate the website for documentation I will post it here. this is a systemic societal problem in the western world. Parents, wake up.