Scared and confused about sin

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This is my first post and also very hard for me to post. I am a baptized and raised Eastern catholic and have been struggling with faith for as long as I can remember, as in becoming either scrupulous or indifferent/neglectful to my relationship with God, fighting sin. I have always been an anxious person, even as a child, perhaps due to childhood trauma and I have been seeing a psychologist, which has been at times of little help. Confessions always filled me with a sense of panic, shame and dread… And that is why I always went once a year, but have not progressed much spiritually. As I have gone a bit deeper into my faith recently I have become obsessed with sin, especially committed in the past, always debating in my head whether this ot that is sinful.
Getting to the point… I remember something I did at my first job three years ago. They were giving bonuses to the salary based on language knowledge assessed by language certificates. I actually have an upper intermediate level, but at the end of high school I have passed an advanced level exam and also studied the language (German) in college. Still, I do not think I am that advanced, as I have difficulty in speaking to natives. The thing is I have used this advanced certificate (which had one upper intermediate grade) and another one I got from admission to college (which only stated advanced) to be rewarded the largest bonus for German. However, I have to mention that I have been asked some questions during the interview to assess my level of German and never hidden the fact that the certificates were 4 years old at the time. I don’t remember if I said I was not that advanced, but I know I said I forgot a lot.
Long story short, is this mortal sin? And if so, do I owe restitution to the company?
I have been so in doubt about it… The only thing I can remember is that I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to get a well paid job and that I was stressing a lot about my German during the time I worked there, but only yesterday it popped into my mind it could be a sin.
I know I should talk to a priest about it, but given the fact that I am overly anxious about what might happen keeps me away from the Sacrament.
Thanks for reading this looong post.
God bless you!
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We can’t give you the help you need. You sound like you have scrupulosity, which is basically OCD about sin. It isn’t healthy to be in this constant anxiety.

Please speak to a priest and let him know how constantly anxious you are about sin and ask him if he can help you with your scrupulosity.
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