Hi everyone. I had a question that has been on my mind as of late. Well I’m currently in college and am a 20 year old male. I want to walk with God in my life so I avoid anything that may be sinful (near occasions of sin), ie: going to parties, drinking, doing drugs, having sex. It may seem weird but I feel so alone. It seems like everyone I meet wants nothing to do with catholicism, or is very interested in the sinful behavior I discussed above. I feel so lonely that I don’t have any friends. This causes me to feel depressed. I get mad at God because I’m trying my very best to do his will and I’m giving up a lot of social situations to do so. I also give up desires of the flesh for him, unlike most others on a college campus (I’m still a virgin). I find it hard to make friends in my major, because most live a secular lifestyle. When I do share my faith, I feel indirectly shunned or ignored at times because I’m “no fun”. Sometimes I feel like caving and doing what everyone else is doing to feel normal. Yet I don’t want to get caught in sin and go to hell. I remember the scripture about the road to heaven being narrow and I get scared. I’m not being social enough to have a strong career because of my faith. I don’t want to sin. It seems like the only people who would have a good chance of getting to heaven are those in religious life. Sometimes I consider becoming a priest but I feel like its just a way for me to escape feeling lonely. Any suggestions?