Scary things happening...need help! Don't know what to do

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I’ve posted this one the “unusual experiences” thread…bust since then, other stuff has happened so I thought I would make another thread…I really need some help with this.
I had an “unusual experience” last night…I need some opinions. I couldn’t sleep so I went out onto the couch and left my husband in bed. The cat was driving me crazy so I let her outside. As soon as I fell back asleep I heard this loud screaming noise. I opened my eyes (more like jolted out of sleep) and looked around. Nothing. Then I could here this scratching noise…almost like footsteps coming down the hall. I looked out the window to see if it was the cat and it wasn’t. So I laid there for a little while longer and the noise kept coming so I closed me eyes. All of a sudden I felt this presence beside me like someone was hanging over me…I didn’t open my eyes cause I was terrified of what I would see. I said an our father and a hail mary, swung my pillow in that direction as hard as I could and then ran back into the bedroom. I told me husband that I had heard noises and was creeped out.
About an hour later, ,my husband woke me up and told me to roll over and hold his hand. He said that something just petrified him. I said a hail mary for him and made the sign of the cross for him. It didn’t matter where I moved in the bed, he was right there, holding my hand and wouldn’t let go.
This morning, he told me what had happened. He said he had heard this noise like a radio frequency, ,kinda like screaming. Then he felt a presence beside him but he couldn’t move or talk. He said he was screaming for me but all that came out was this muffled sound and I wouldn’t wake up. He said a prayer and the thing disappeared and he felt all tingly. That’s when he woke me up.
What do you think? After reading some of these threads, I immediately thought of evil. What should we do? My husband isn’t catholic so we may scough at the suggestion of demons.
Lately, since that night, I’ve been seeing “things” in my house. Black shadows. They move and they are there and gone in seconds. They linger long enough for me to know I seen them but then disappear quick enough that I think I’m crazy. When the house is quiet, I’ll hear noises that aren’t normal. High radio frequencies, screaming, crashing. I’ve started carrying my rosary around with me in my pocket and if I am anywhere in the house doing something, I hang it near me. Right now, it’s hanging off my computer.

This is very scary, and I don’t really know what to do. I know I’m not crazy because my husband experienceed the same thing (see above)…unless we both are crazy.

What do you suggest I do…it’s really getting to the point where I don’t like being alone.

I hesitate to post here, but I want to be helpful.

Have you considered getting a medical checkup? There could be natural causes for what you’re experiencing. Your husband’s similar experiences could be a kind of “sympathy” for what you’re going through. The marriage bond can be very powerful and creates a kind of intuition of the spouses for each other.

I think your best course of action is to seek spiritual direction from an orthodox priest and get a medical checkup.
“IF” these things are being caused by an evil presence, than get your house blessed. Live a holy and devout life according to the graces that have been given you, and focus on Jesus. They (nasties) are like kids, always trying to get your attention. The more you give, the more it demands.

But more than anything, don’t be afraid. Remember whose you are. The battle has already been won. Pick a side.

God bless!
St Jeanne, I have had a medical just a few months ago…nothing physically or mentally wrong with me…other than stress (but who doesn’t have that). I may go get another one if this continues…just in case.

Ana, thanks for responding. I’ll try not to pay attention to them, if they happen to be an evil presence. I’m going to dicuss what I learn from here with my husband and see what he feels is necessary to do. I think getting the house blessed by a priest is a good idea, however, I dont know what my husband will think.
Personally in my oppinion,I believe satan is playing with you. His playground is your mind. You are being spiritually oppressed. Satan knows you weaknesses and he come to instill Fear into your mind. What you are going through is very REAL. If you continue to give satan a foothold it will only get worse. I really dont know where you are in your christian walk but Ill tell you this. God has given us His armour to put on. Read Ephesians 6 and put on the Armour of God.Ask the Lord to cover you with His precious Blood,Ask Him to put a blood line around you and make you invisable to the enemy,ask Him to send down the Holy Angels to protect you. Do this dayly. I could continue on but I going to stop here because like I said I dont know where you are spiritually.You may also might want to seek some help from your pastor to do some spiritual housecleaning. God Bless.
Dear Sarcophagus,

I don’t believe what is happening to you or your husband is a medical condition. I’ve read/heard about too many incidents similar to yours.

The advice to get a priest to bless your house is good advice. I would heartily recommend it as soon as possible.

I would also recommend wearing a blessed St. Benedict medal if you are not already. And of course praying the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel is good as well.

You may want to, if possible, learn something about the past of the house. If it’s not new, who owned it before you?

Have you or your husband ever done anything like play with a Ouija board in the house or some other activity associated with the occult?

I would also recommend, especially if these activities continue, getting in touch with a priest who has some experience in these matters.

God bless and I will say a prayer for you.
Hi. This is another great reason to add more prayer time. Now some serious prayer time!
I like that you have grabbed the rosary. Awesome tool!
How about on your body? Maybe think about a miraculous medal or a scapular. Those are powerful for reminding you of prayer and the presence of Christ also.

Get some Holy Water and douse the place. Really - a solid generous dousing.

Got any occult things around like books about astrology, feng shui or such? Get rid of them.
God bless and grant you peace.
Three years ago we had a few strange happenings, so I blessed the house with holy water, even the attic and since then I have had no other strange things happen.

Apart from 2 weeks ago I had a friend visit and he kept looking over his shoulder and saying to someone “get away” I told him to bless himself.
Anyway as soon as I get this place decorated, i’m going to get the Priest to Bless my house.

You aren’t a Catholic but there is nothing stopping you from going in to a Catholic Church and obtaining some Holy Water, as it’s usually there in plentiful supply, and sprinkle it allover your house.

Getting your house Blessed properly is the best option.

A quick way to banish this fear is just to repeat over and over the name Jesus.
Another sacramental that is very powerful is blessed salt. We had several incidents of vandalism around our property. I got some blessed salt from our pastor, sprinkled it around the property and prayed for an end to the incidents. They stopped. 👍
Another sacramental that is very powerful is blessed salt. We had several incidents of vandalism around our property. I got some blessed salt from our pastor, sprinkled it around the property and prayed for an end to the incidents. They stopped. 👍
I thought we were the salt of the earth? If it works ,PRAISE GOD.
get the house blessed and pray, pray, pray. All the advice given has been great. You’re interested in Catholicism aren’t you, saracophagus? Perhaps your coming home to the Church is majorly PO’ing Satan. Scary as it is, it’s also a good sign when the evil one is angry at us.
**Blessed Salt **

*4 Kings 2:19-22 “And the men of the city, said to Eliseus . Behold the situation of this city is very good, as thou, my lord, seest: but the waters are very bad, and the ground barren. And he said: Bring me a new vessel, and put salt into it. And when they had brought it, He went out to the spring of the waters, and cast the salt into it, and said: Thus saith the Lord: I have healed these waters, and there shall be no more in them death or barrenness. And the waters were healed unto this day, according to the word of Eliseus, which he spoke.” *

Salt, with its reservative properties, had always been seen as precious in the ancient world. Its first recorded sacramental use was by Eliseus, and it is now used sacramentally in two main ways in the Church.

First, in Baptisms: like the baptismal waters, salt is blessed and an exorcism is done over it. Then it is put on the tongue of the catechumen during the Baptismal Rite.

Second, for use in the preparation of Holy Water and for the use of the faithful: regular salt is exorcised and blessed and is used in the preparation of Holy Water and is given to the faithful for their everyday use – e.g., for use in cooking; for sprinkling around rooms, doorways and yards, to protect against evil, etc.

Because of its exorcism and blessing, it is a powerful sacramental in keeping away demons. To obtain blessed salt, just take ordinary salt to your priest and ask him to bless it.**Back to Being Catholic**

Taken from Being Catholic
“This morning, he told me what had happened. He said he had heard this noise like a radio frequency, kinda like screaming. Then he felt a presence beside him but he couldn’t move or talk. He said he was screaming for me but all that came out was this muffled sound and I wouldn’t wake up. He said a prayer and the thing disappeared and he felt all tingly. That’s when he woke me up.”

This could or could not be something spiritual. However, in reading your description, I could not help but notice some similarities to something i experience occasionally which some sleep experts call “sleep paralysis”. an absolutely horrifying nighttime experience in which one cannot move, despite trying to yell and scream to wake oneself up with only a muffled sound or nothing at all coming out, while oftentimes feeling/seeing a presence beside them, until eventually snapping out of it. i repeat, an absolutely terrifying experience that cannot be adequately described unless you experience it. not saying this is what happened to you, but it sounds similar. the good news is, this happens to quite a few people every once in a while, and isn’t thought to be of any spiritual consequence. really just a result of being overly tired/stressed or sleeping on one’s back! take a look at the links below to decide if it may be what you think happened. the first link is particularly descriptive and summarizes the experience well. i’ll be praying for you in the meantime.
I do wonder why you chose your name. Have you ever dabbled in any form of occult? Ouija board, psychic, medium, tarot cards, etc? Have you taken any halucenigenic drugs or even perscription narcotic drugs?

I would look for a priest with experience in this situation, and speak to him, whether or not you have ever been involved with drugs or anything from the dark side. If you had a serious physical problem you would consult a doctor—thiss is a serious non-physical problem–you need a spiritual or emotional doctor,

Please get to a priest—this may be serious.

Until you can get to a Priest, you can usually get Holy Water at any Church. Sprinkle yourself, your husband, and your house. If anything frightening happens, just keep making the sign of the cross—(forehead, chest, left sholder, right-) and keep repeating the name of Jesus. Get a cross or crucifix and keep it near you, I agree you should not chance looking at this presence, just in case it is something really evil.

Love & Prayers,
Dear friend

What does your husband think of the ‘happenings’ in your house? I ask because if he puts it down to an evil presence, then why would he not then want to seek help from God?

Personally, I would not fear anything that comes from the evil one, he has no width, height or depth to destroy anything at all and he does not have this where there is faith because faith is stronger than anything he may ever do as a person of faith is in Christ Jesus Who has conquered evil for all eternity. Yes satan is more intelligent than us, but he is not more powerful. We are in Christ and our power is in Him, Christ is God and nothing can overcome God…ever! Even the evil spirits tremble and fall at the name of Jesus and know Him! Whatever attempts evil makes upon us, God will always bring good from it, as nothing prevails over God…ever!

Fear God only and this is not a fear of God Himself, this is a fear of offending Him. Laugh in that old adversaries face and just have a Priest Bless your house as previously recommended, pray for mercy from Jesus and the help of His mother Mary. (She will crush the evil one’s head at the end of time!) her intercession is all powerful! Jesus has allowed satan for some reason to operate this way as nothing happens that God does not ordain. There is a good reason and a good outcome for this to have happened, if only you comply with God’s will.

There is nothing to fear from satan, he is an illusionist, a liar and a deceiver! His presence and these dramatic tricks are to dilude people that he has power …for people of faith, satan is powerless! ‘We no longer live by the darkness, we live in the light’

Trust in God and in your faith in Him…

God bless you and much love and peace to you and all those within your home

Teresa9, you say, personally, you would not fear anything that comes from the evil one. You must be a remarkable Catholic and person. Have you ever had attacks, of any kind, by spirits. You must be very brave to not have any fear of things you have never seen.

How would you act if this had been you. What I will describe did happen in 1992, during the Summer. It happened on a Friday about 9:00 PM. The man was living by himself and was reading a book and glancing at a TV. He had not had any unusual things happen before. He was a professional man with an excellent college education.

Suddenly he saw a woman gliding across the floor. He could not see the feet nor the face, the face was just a gray mass. She was of normal height and wore a black dress , circa 1890s with puffy upper sleeves. She went across the room to a table. The man heard a sound similar to a ring of keys thrown on the table. She turned and glided to the front door and went right through ther door. At that time the man wasn’t scared, he was wide-eyed tho’. He thought for just a minute and went to retrieve his pistol, knowing a pistol would have no effect on a spirit. He did think he had seen a spirit.

He went outside into the dark with a flashlight. He saw nothing. Back inside he got something to eat. While eating, that front door knob started to rattle, it rattled for 5 seconds then stopped for 30 seconds, over and over. Then the man started to become afraid. He had never seen or heard anything like that. He sat in a chair watching the door. He thought, “Any minute something is going is going to come thru’ the door.” He got two pillows and a blanket and slept on the front porch, having waked up several times. The next morning he fixed breakfast, while eating he heard a very high pitched whine coming from the bathroom. He left and stayed gone all day spending time at a river. That night he slept on the front porch again. Then on Monday he went to see a physician. He told the doctor that he needed something to make him sleep, that he was seeing something that was not there. He got some powerful sedatives. Thats all I will say for now.

Teresa9, this happened in a well-lighted room. If that had happened to you suddenly, what would have been your immediate reaction. Of course you have the advantage of not being suprised.
Teresa9, you say, personally, you would not fear anything that comes from the evil one. You must be a remarkable Catholic and person. Have you ever had attacks, of any kind, by spirits. You must be very brave to not have any fear of things you have never seen.

How would you act if this had been you. What I will describe did happen in 1992, during the Summer. It happened on a Friday about 9:00 PM. The man was living by himself and was reading a book and glancing at a TV. He had not had any unusual things happen before. He was a professional man with an excellent college education.

Suddenly he saw a woman gliding across the floor. He could not see the feet nor the face, the face was just a gray mass. She was of normal height and wore a black dress , circa 1890s with puffy upper sleeves. She went across the room to a table. The man heard a sound similar to a ring of keys thrown on the table. She turned and glided to the front door and went right through ther door. At that time the man wasn’t scared, he was wide-eyed tho’. He thought for just a minute and went to retrieve his pistol, knowing a pistol would have no effect on a spirit. He did think he had seen a spirit.

He went outside into the dark with a flashlight. He saw nothing. Back inside he got something to eat. While eating, that front door knob started to rattle, it rattled for 5 seconds then stopped for 30 seconds, over and over. Then the man started to become afraid. He had never seen or heard anything like that. He sat in a chair watching the door. He thought, “Any minute something is going is going to come thru’ the door.” He got two pillows and a blanket and slept on the front porch, having waked up several times. The next morning he fixed breakfast, while eating he heard a very high pitched whine coming from the bathroom. He left and stayed gone all day spending time at a river. That night he slept on the front porch again. Then on Monday he went to see a physician. He told the doctor that he needed something to make him sleep, that he was seeing something that was not there. He got some powerful sedatives. Thats all I will say for now.

Teresa9, this happened in a well-lighted room. If that had happened to you suddenly, what would have been your immediate reaction. Of course you have the advantage of not being suprised.
Dear Exporter

I understand that the sight of these things that are always present but are not normally seen is disturbing. In answer briefly to what you ask , yes I have seen things in my time, yes they have not been pleasant. I have seen evilness in other people and I have seen the evil ‘one’…that is as much as I would like to say on this in respect of what I have actually seen.

Evil has nothing to drive humanity to ruin …nothing at all unless we co-operate with evil by sinning and being led into sin by him. Evil has nothing to touch us with if we remain in Christ, evil cannot conquer Christ Jesus, God the Father or the Holy Spirit. Christ said ‘The gates of hell will not prevail against it’ in referance to His Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of which we are the body of… why not? because it is in Him…it is a matter of trust in God and trust in faith in Him.

Fear nothing but offending God. Have fortitude (courage) in the name of Jesus.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you and those you love

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