Scholar's help needed!

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So, I’ve been doing a good bit of writing. One section examines history through the lense of the general councils. I’ve also given a brief bio of a saint who lived between any two councils and a quote that either sums up what makes him/or so special or defends the Church.

Problem? I can’t think of a good saint, much less of a good quote for the time between Lyons 2 and Vienne, Constance and Florence, Florence and Lateran 5, and Lateran 5 and Trent. Has there been a saint canonized who lived and taught after Vatican 2?

Here’s how my list goes, so far:

  • Irenaeus
    *Nicea 1
  • Cyril
  • Constantinople 1
  • Augustine
  • Ephesus
  • Peter Chrysologus
  • Chalcedon
  • Fulgentius
  • Constantinople 2
  • Isidore
  • Constantinople 3
  • John Damascene
  • Nicea 2
  • Theophanes
  • Constantinople 4
  • Peter Damian
  • Lateran 1
  • Bernard of Clairvaux
  • Lateran 2
  • Malachy
  • Lateran 3
  • Anthony Padua
  • Lateran 4
  • Bonaventure
  • Lyons 1
  • Thomas Aquinas
  • Lyons 2
  • ???
  • Vienne
  • Catherine
  • Constance
  • ???
  • Florence
  • ???
  • Lateran 5
  • ???
  • Trent
  • Francis De Sales
  • Vatican 1
  • Maxamilian Kolbe
  • Vatican 2
If anyone can help put the name of a good saint and a good quote from him/her in place of those question marks, I’d sure be grateful. Thanks!!!
St Josemaria Escriva the founder of Opus Dei was alive long after Vatican II. But I can’t help you further as it was very recent and most processes of canonisation are very slow.
Good luck. Try searching the various Catholic sites on the www for Saints from the period you want.
I don’t know if you mean they have to have lived and died between councils or just have lived in that period. If the latter, than a good choice for the period between 5th Lateran and Trent would be Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church.
Hello. I just put “saints canonized by John Paul II”

in the google search engine, and the site I went
to listed the canonized and their dates of birth.
The Patron Saints Index is an amazing site with a nearly exhaustive list of Saints, descriptions of them, and links to learn more. They now have a search function, so you could search by individual year, but that might take awhile.

Hope that helps! :angel1:
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